
The number 7?

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I have something like someone talking to me in my head saying about the number 7 my daughter is 7 years older than my son and my older daughter is seven years older then my daughter. My husband is 7 years older than me. We have 7 cats. Our rabbit is 7. Our cat is 7. Telling me to move into number 7. Our horse is to be number 7. Our children our all going to be in the 7 times tables this year. And its saying 2007 is gone. What is happening .I know 7 is a lucky number but what does it mean. I have weird feelings.




  1. I have 7 letters in my first and last name, there are 7 days in a week, the list keeps growing.

  2. Go for lotto!!

  3. I would think today the number 8 is in.

  4. I don't know what your belief is but 7 according to the Bible is the Number of completion it took seven days for GOD to create the earth   A week is seven days

    The Number 7 has for ages been regarded as the Number of mystery relating to the spiritual side of things. It may be remarked that all through the Bible and other sacred books, the seven, whenever mentioned, always stands in relation to the spiritual or mysterious God force, and has a curious significance in this sense whenever employed.

    For a few instances of this, take the seven days (or cycles) of the creation as referred to in Genesis:

    The seven heavens, so often referred to.

    The seven thrones.

    The seven seals.

    The seven churches.

    The seven days' march round the walls of Jericho, when, on the seventh day, the walls fell, before that mysterious

    God force symbolized in the number of seven. It is also remarkable that there are exactly Seven generations from David to the birth of Christ.

    In Revelation we read of the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

    Ezekiel speaks of The seven angels of the Lord that go to and fro through the whole earth, which is believed to be a reference to the magnetic influences of the seven creative planets which radiate through the earth.

  5. Well, let's wait until next year and see how it all works out.

  6. all a bunch of rubbish!!!

  7. In numerology, the number seven (7) is the spiritual are awakening to your psychic abilities and the TRUTH....2007 has passed (where a lot of obstacles has cleared for you and you were meant to recognise them)....Welcome your personal truth in 2008 - it will stop the 'weird guilt feelings'.....

  8. Ignore the voice or soon you'll be freaking out about the number eight..and I think you have a few too many cats..unless you breed?

  9. Ok. First let me say that yes I'm a fan of "7" as well, but to a point. Like you I can find the number in my life. I have seven letters in my first and last name. My middle name has five letters but the Spanish version of it has seven letters. I was born on the seventh day of the week at 10:17. I once dabbled with numerology years ago and learned I was a, you guessed it, a seven. I chalk it up to one of those nice coincidences of life. To read more into it than what it is could be asking for trouble of the rubber room kind. Take for what it is, as a happy coincidence. I once heard a saying that goes: Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous.

  10. lol it means nothing. its just coincidencial. there's also 7 continents, 7 points on the statue of liberty's crown, 7 swans a swimming, etc.

    it's just like 23...

  11. no meaning to numbers

  12. This is the definition of confirmation bias.  Once you get something into your head you see examples of it everywhere.  However, you have to admit, since you're seeking connections, you're using some creative means of achieving them.  For example, if your kids are 5 and 12 years old there is (and always will be) a 7 year difference, but the number 7 isn't in 5 or 12.

  13. Numerology "works" because if you try hard enough, you can find multiple instances of any number in your life if you spend time looking for them. The smaller single-digit numbers are generally easier to find than larger numbers. So basically what I'm saying is that nothing is happening and it means nothing except that you're superstitious. You're just searching for a number and spooking yourself when you find it, but probably forgetting how many times you don't. Look up "confirmation bias" to read a bit more about what I'm talking about.

  14. If you remember the number in your dreams this could signify good luck ahead derived from this number or multiples of this number.
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