
The number of under-25s needing medical treatment after a night out is much higher than previously thought: Y?

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Have you ever ended up in A&E after drinking too much?

The number of under-25s needing medical treatment after a night out is much higher than previously thought.

More than 53,000 ended up in hospital with problems linked to alcohol in 2006-2007.

The new statistics show around one in five of all admissions for under-25s is because of a drunken fight or a drunken fall.

Previous official figures for England only showed admissions for obviously alcohol-related conditions, such as alcohol poisoning and liver disease.

Have you ever been admitted to A&E after drinking too much?

Do you know anyone who has?

Do you think under-25s drink too much?




  1. I got my stomach pumped when I was about 16......thankfully I was that out of it that I don't remember much....that was 13 years ago now though and I don't drink anymore....yeah right!!!!

    It's because they have nothing else to do anymore

  2. no self control,,

  3. Absolutely!  Not only with alcohol but legal and illegal drugs (OD).

    The rate should skyrocket, if the United States passes a bill, allowing the legal age limit to drink alcoholic beverages , to be lowered to 18 from 21.  

    What are we doing to our youth, tomorrows leaders?  We are shooting them in the foot before they barely learn how to walk!

    Their future already looks so bleak!

    We, their peers, must take some responsibility for this and find a solution, turn it around, for the sake of our children and their future.

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