
The obama camp wants to jump on McCain for the housing question...?

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But does Obama know how many half brothers or sisters he has?? Inquiring minds want to know!




  1. That would make Obama go dud.

    Like every time he gets a tough question.

  2. I don't know.  But B.Hussein Obama might have a lot.  

    I mean Hussein Obama?  Sounds like a mixture of Osama-Saddam.  

    Now he picks a guy with the last name "Biden". . .What's next a guy name "Adolf Hetler"

  3. people dislike obama because he's too left wing, who cares

  4. Is this a question?.....MMMMMMM...I am going to answer Yes

  5. While I don't think McCain, or Bush, for that matter had much to do with the housing crisis, blaming it on a " LIBERAL " Congress may just be the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

  6. How does Obama's father's actions equate to you or your spouse entering into a public financial contract?

    Edit: Phil Gram, who is credited with single handedly starting the housing crisis bats for McCain's team.

  7. let's hope mccain wins over obama.. help him out by voting for him on this page!

  8. Only if his parents tell him.  He's not clairvoyant  

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