
The offensive line for the Packers doesn't look so good so far. Do you agree? ?

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I never really expected the Packers to have a weak offensive line because that was almost always a strong point for them. But Rodgers has been facing all sorts of pressure. I see 2 defensive linemen at a time breaking through the Packers offensive line sometimes. I hear they have 2 new guys on the offensive line. If that's the case, this could be a tough year for Rodgers. I think he'll do just fine if his line can at least give him a couple of seconds to throw though. But he sure isn't a running quarterback. He's a true passer. He needs just a little time in that pocket.




  1. It's really hard to tell in the preseason.  Look at the Packers preseason last year.  The true test will be after the first few regular games of the season.  I have faith!

  2. I had a bad feeling about the interior of our offensive since Marco Rivera and Mike Whale left in 2005. Every year, and nearly every week, it seems there's always some new tandem at the Guard position. Whether it's Jason Spitz, Darren Colledge, Junius Coston, Allan Barbre, none of these guys can seem to get job done consistently on the inside of the offensive line. This has to get sorted out immediately.

    I speak for everyone that the first few weeks of last season, we were lucky Brett Favre was playing for us, throwing all those quick slants, drags, and hitch routes, because our offensive line could not protect him long enough to throw deep, or get a consisten running game going. With Aaron Rodgers, I'm not confident that he can carry the load yet, especially if the line starts to mess up again.  

  3. I agree that Green Bay's line doesn't look good so far but also remember that it looked alot like this last year at this time. They're moving quite a few of their guys around which makes it difficult to gell. It also is tough when they and Rodgers are not used to calling protection schemes at the line. They'll be all right. As soon as Wells is back and they solidify the Guards things will be quite a bit different.

  4. I'll admit our offensive line hasn't looked all that good, but remember this has essentially been a team without a run game.  We haven't had Ryan Grant available to us all preseason long, and I think that's one of the things that is really hurting both Aaron and the o-line.  The offense this year isn't supposed to be so reliant on the passing game, so once we can get a more consistent ground attack I think things were start to change.  And as another person said this is only the preseason.

  5. I'm a packers fan. And I agree they need improvement. As individuals, they look solid on paper. Clifton, Tauscher, Spitz, are all really good at what they do.. maybe they need to communicate better as a team. I don't know. But im impressed with rodgers thus far. Hopefully they give him some time this year.

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