
The oil into solar energy. Hydraulic. Wind power will be better?

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The oil into solar energy. Hydraulic. Wind power will be better?




  1. I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $135 a barrel. (Please tell nobody:  one day on Jan. Goldman & Sachs traded so huge volume of barrels, which = US one year's import in volume)

    So here is my difficulty:

    Congress is now investigating on oil speculation, I am afraid of being caught.  But if I sell them right now, I would end up with little or no profit since the trading fees and hedge fund managing cost are not cheap.

    I already request my agents send  the spin out to the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ”   But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.

    My lobby firm can work Republican party to stall passing the laws, but I am not sure for how long. I am very fearful and worried. So my question is this:  How do I corner the market price up in time so not to get caught by Congress.?

  2. Science has shown that wind power is very expensive and would only provide a minimal part of our energy.  Not cost-effective at all and very expensive for the energy produced.  We must develop our present and abundant oil reserves, build new nuclear reactors, and work on any other cost-effective alternative energy producers.  Corn and bio fuels are now proving it is a poor alternative.  It takes many acres of previous food-producing lands to produce a small amount of E-85.  This is not only causing our food prices to rise considerably, but is also causing a world-wide food shortage.  Nice going Democratic libs who have blocked our efforts to solve this problem.  Are you proud?  I'm sure you have plenty of money and don't worry about how much you pay for gas at the pumps.  After all you are pimping off Uncle Sam and don't care.

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