
The oldest Civilisation is from Ancient India?

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Back in 2002 there seems to have been a significant archaeological discovery made accidentally off the gulf of Cambay. Since this date I haven't found any mention of what has been made of the findings.

Was there anything made of this sunken city which was dated to be 9000-10000 years old? You would think that something of this significance would make the archaeological world turn on its head. But yet nothing has been reported on it.

I was impressed when watching a documentary about a 5000 plus old ruin in Caral Peru a few years ago, making it the oldest indigenous american settlement to date. But Cambay would even feel as distant in antiquity for the people of Caral as ancient Egypt feels for us today. So why all the hush hush?

Peruvian Caral documentary

Cambay references




  1. I completely believe in civilizations pre-dating our current list. many civilizations dont necessarily monument build, others are completely destroyed.  It seems elitist scients are unwilling to consider possible stuff that doesnt have tons of evidence...for instance the fall of Jericho.....or Troy was disbelived in my lifetime.   or giant squid whatever.

    Caral is an amazing find, and other indications that peru had a trans-pacific trading culture...astounding.

    Humans have learned and forgotten many times.

  2. Did you read something from Graham Hancock? He is a writer that tries to connect various theories which tend to proove the exsistence of a global civilisation that dates back to 11 - 10.000 BC. He is disputet in some respects, but I think that there are some arguments that are quite disturbing... I seem to recall reading about the gulf of Cambay in some of his books, and he also complained about ortodox scientiffic circles not investigating these matters. If you're interested in that kind of material, you might like to check it out...

  3. The Cambay city (probably IVC) is looking 50/50 at the moment. No real artifacts have been dredged up yet. The 'pottery' has dated to exactly the same age as the sediments, which makes it quite possible it's not really pottery, just accreted clay.


    Knowing what I do about the spread of city building in agriculture in the region, it's not really that likely to be that old. There's been a lot of land subsidence due to earthquakes along that peice of coast. So a submerged city could actually be built after the ice age. Your more likely to see ice age cities on the Eastern side of India, as the IVC people seemed to be part of the Indo-European expansion from Turkey, and didn't start expanding until the ice age was ending.

    There's a lot better case for there being an ice age city off SE India, Mahabalipuram.


    An ice age Jomon civilisation off the Okinawa has a lot more going for it than the Cambay site.


    The oldest ceramics are turing up from the far East (about 16k) and farmed rice grains also from a similar date are showing up in Korea.  It makes it more likely that city building started earlier in the far East.


    However, there's an 11,500 year old stone temple, with a 13,000 year old statue in it in Turkey (proto Indo Europeans, at Gobekli Tepe). So your looking at Western culture starting in Turkey about 15,000 years ago (aceramic) and expanding out from Turkey about 10,000 BP. Like I said, the IVC people were an offshoot of this Turkish expansion, so unlikley to have built any cities in Cambay during the ice age.



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