
The ole kitty aint feeling well, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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the cat was normal this morning, ate his breakfast, drank his milk from the left over cereal the kids had; later he crapped all over, and started throwing up a hairball. Now the ole kitty is just lying around on the couch looking pretty ill, like he's running a fever and wont eat or drink; anybody got any ideas? Should I give him an asprin or some tylenol? Maybe force feed him or force him to take in some fluids? Or should I let him ride it out a bit and see how he is in the morning?




  1. Hi there... avoid giving any aspirin or any human medication to cats.  Nearly all are fatally toxic to cats.  See the following regarding the dangers of aspirin to cats:  

    Cats are lactose intolerant to milk and it will cause diarhheoa symptoms and sometimes vomiting. See the following regarding this:

    Consider offering wet food as this will help increase your cat's hydration level in addition to providing   fresh water  daily.  

    Cats may appear to have a fever, however the only way to confirm is to take it's temperature.  Normal body temp for a cat is 100.4 - 102.5.  Here are the instructions on how to do this:  If your cat does present with a fever it is very critical to rush your cat to the veterinary hospital as this is life-threatening.  Your cat will need intravenous fluids in addition to medical treatment respectively.

    Please keep us updated on how your cat is doing.

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