
The on-going Saga of the strimmer (weed-wacker).?

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(Please note this is not a poem - this is a message disguised as a verse, for those who care)

I'm Grannyjill, I'm Superwoman,

(exempt from normal rules)

So, I ignored all the sound advise

I think I thought that cool.

One week down the line I find

My foot is dropping off

Well, I exaggerate a bit...

but it is quite bad enough

to take me off to the Chemist

Who said “I don't like that one bit.

Go to the doctor's surgery

Let him have a look at it.”

The doc said 'Yes, she speaks the truth

But, I think we should wait and see.

So, draw a circle around it

And then just let it be.

If the infection grows apace

And crosses the line you've drawn

Go and take this prescription

To the Chemist down the road".

He also said how lucky I was

Since where the strimmer cut

Is right above a main artery

Which feeds my precious foot.




  1. I have been noticing of late

    your slant rhyme leaning a bit

    perhaps the artery's been nicked

    so get thee to  Doc's gate

    and get thee a seat to sit

    to get this problem finally licked!

    And P.S.  next time fine thee a better muse, one that does not require this type of sacrifice!  Although it is well done!

  2. I love this very painful verse,

    I hope you are OK...

    I do agree with the others too,

    Listen to the nurse!

    The tale you tell is exactly why

    I don't use those powered thingys.

    They frighten me there is no doubt

    So I let my husband do it!

    My very best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery!

    I posted 2 Q's this morning, did you miss them or are you ignoring me? :-)

  3. Granny, just get it filled, take it, any lines going up your leg require immediate help.  Don't make me come to England!

    And I liked your poem as well.  Please, get better soon.

  4. I LOVE IT!

  5. Sigh...moan and mutter.  And just what did I tell you to do when I received the photos?  Stubborn lady, thou art.

  6. I like your poem.  Now, why didn't you listen? Hie thee again to a physician!!!

  7. fantastic,standing ovation for that

  8. All strimmers are herewith and forthmore banned from  my abode. They are the hidden plague. Curses upon all strimmers!

    Granny don't let your ankle go limp. Don't let infection thwart Super Gran! Let it not be the achilles of opportunity to bring you down. Fight the good fight. Get well and (as far as strimmers are concerned) get even!

  9. Take your meds and leave the strimmering to the strimmerers.

  10. Oh, poor Jill,  It is a nice poem and thank you for using your skill to artfully tell us how  you are doing.  I'm sorry that your ankle is not doing so well.  Just remember that if you do indeed need to take antibiotics for it that you take them all because not finishing all the medication can lead to future infections becoming resistant to treatment.  I will keep you in my thoughts and pray that you heal soon.

  11. Excellent i put your question as interseting.

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