
The one question EVERYONE should be asking -- Why doesn't the media scrutinize Obama like it has Palin???

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Regardless of who you support politically, there should be an outrage that the eight entities who control all of the major media (broadcast, paper, and magazines) are no longer in the business of investigative journalism and reporting the news. They are in the business of pushing the agenda of those who own them.

What say you?




  1. You should differentiate between which "media" you are speaking about.  If you mean "right wing" media such as internet bloggers and talk radio, they have been doing their jobs and and scrutinizing Obimbo like ANYONE who runs for public office should be scrutinized.

    If you are talking about the "alphabet networks" (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc.) and the "mainstream" media (95% of all printed media), do you really expect them to be objective of their "chosen one?"  They will ignore anything bad about Obimbo unless it hits them smack in the face and even then they will attempt to put a positive spin on whatever the facts may be.  

    Obimbo's recent photo-op trip to the Middle East and Europe was a clear demonstration of this.  The nightly network news anchors practically slobbered all over themselves in an effort to potray Obimbo as a "stately" expert on foreign affairs.  He had no business as a U. S. Senator to be meeting with foreign heads-of-state and making policy statements of ANY kind. Obimbo is the left wing's "Messiah" and the "mainstream" media and "alphabet" networks sing his praises! (and pass his propaganda!).

    "Objective" media reporting is something that disappeared during the Vietnam War and Watergate.

    p.s. - Obimbo can protest that the families of candidates should be held apart from the candidate and left alone all he wants.  Because he knows that the media will do that job for him without any request for such service from him.

  2. You're kidding, right?  The media has been scrutinizing Obama since his name first came up.  He's been criticized for everything from being inexperienced to being Muslim - which he's not.  How much experience has anyone had at being president before they became one?  The whole media frenzy is ridiculous - it's all hype and b.s. now on every topic, and real journalism disappeared after Watergate.

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