
The ones who blame democrats and liberals for being uneducated dumbs.?

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I respect everyone's political view, I'm not saying republicans are evil, but maybe before you call democrats "idiots", you should remember most republican celebrities are either racist or has some serious problems. When liberals and democrats are activists and most respected people in their industry. What do you think after seeing that list?

**Celebrity Democrats**

Sean Penn

George Clooney


Brad Pitt

Matt Damon

Ben Affleck

Leonardo DiCaprio

Tom Hanks

Paul Newman

Robert DeNiro

Jack Nicholson

Jane Fonda

Whoopi Goldberg

Sheryl Crow

Susan Sarandon

Steven Spielberg

Dustin Hoffman

Barbra Streisand

Wyclef Jean

Natalie Portman

Scarlett Johansson

Michael J Fox

Meryl Streep

Robin Williams

Oprah Winfrey

Shirley MacLaine

Kirk Douglas

Richard Gere

Michael Jordan

Chris Rock.... the list goes on and on

** Celebrity Republicans **

Stephen Baldwin

Mel Gibson

Michael Richards

Britney Spears

Chuck Norris

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jon Voight

James Woods




  1. I think you read too much People Magazine.  Hit the history books and make an informed decision about who you support.  Celebrities are looking for free press time and politics make them seem intelligent when most did not even finish high school.

  2. I have no opinion.  They are people just like me but just happen to be in the public eye.  

  3. I LOVE IT! You forgot:

    Paris Hilton

    Heidi Montag

    Bruce Willis

  4. Who in their right mind gives a rat's BUTT what any celebrity has to say about politics anyway? Is this a serious question?

  5. " uneducated dumbs"

    I was going to cite examples but you already did.

    Being a celebrity does not make one intelligent

    " most educated people are democrats"

    I will compare my level of education with any democrat on here

    And send most of you away with your head hung low.

    " my professor friends"

    LOL.  No wonder you are so misguided.

  6. there are 'idiots' in every political party, but I believe you are correct in pointing out the names of republicans who are so-called "celebrities'.  Oddly enough I really don't care for any of these repubs. seems to me they are the uneducated ones

  7. You forgot the great Tom Selek in the rep. side. Mr. NRA. Oh, and Fred Thompson. Ya, he's a gem, too.

  8. Well, but Ben Stein is a creationist....

    but I don't know if I consider him intelligent anymore.

  9. I think people are really tired of the rhetoric of the Bush  and right wing talking heads.

  10. hmm, you're right. the democrats are problem free! ignorance is bliss and money buys lobotomies.

  11. Sean Penn, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Chris Rock, Scarlett Johanssen OMG OMG OMG

    Who cares, no one, and you put the governator in the wrong group.

    I am sure that you agree with me 100% when I sya that none of the liberal celebrities that you listed have never had any problems with drugs or run-ins with the law right

  12. What do I think after seeing your list?  I think you have WAY too much time on your hands.  Are you a democrat sitting home collecting welfare?

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