
The only thing about me and my best friend skating together...?

by  |  earlier

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ok i might sound conceited but its all true im way better than him we started skating at the same time but when i started getting better he just never got any better like hes been skating for maybe 2 years and cnt even kickflip! anyways when me and him are with a group and r skating and lik if im doin a set with a big o' crack in front of it for example and keep hitting the crack or just having a bad day he'll talk behind my bak and say i suk and stuff and just it doesnt feel good ya kno cuz its my best friend and its gotten to the point where i dnt evn talk to him very much and its skating thats ruining our friend ship but i lik lived for skating i could no way just quit so i need serious help or ill lose a friend

and i dont want an answer like oh f*** him or u should quit skating

i wnt both of them in my life!




  1. He is most probably jealous because you skate way better than him and make it look easy while he is frustrated to death trying to land that kickflip. I suggest helping him with his tricks and not at all be cocky, be a good sports man. Also, when you dont land tricks in front of him get pissed like saying i f@#$ING suck or S**t to show him that you also struggle and frustrated and he could relate to that. I say do not give up neither because if you give up one of them you will struggle with the other.  

  2. just talk to him about how you hear him talking about you. he'll probably gonna apologize and if he dosn't he feels bad for doing so but doesnt want to apologize because he's afraid to do so. you should keep skating and practice all the time just like always but also help him out with his skating, like help him kickflip. kickflips are really easy to pickup so it shouldn't be that hard. or you guys could go to each others houses to play ps3 or 360 if he's good at games, or any thing that you both are good at. since your friend you should have lots in common.

    i hope things work out for you, bro.

  3. honestly, idk what to do

  4. talking behind your back and you call him your best friend O.o

  5. Dude you have to talk to your friend. Take him aside and be serious. Don't mention that he sucks or you are a lot better. Just say so I heard you were talking about me behind my back. Say something like come on man that isn't cool and it your making me feel bad. He may or may not apologize. Depending on how long you guys have been friends you will probably have arguments from time to time. But I can tell you don't want to lose your friend and I bet he probably feels the same way too.

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