
The only way is to cheat..?

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ok well i study in a pakistani school in Libya. Its in english and its the only school where its a good price but the education isn't so good but what can i do. ok well theres another english school but the price range is a way to much and in the Pakistani school we have to study 2 subjects about Pakistan. Pakistan studies and Geography of Pakistan. Yeh there both boring but i ca't do anything. I had my results 2 months ago and i failed them both but i dont blame myself how can anyone study about that if there not Pakistani. Ok well my exams are soon and everytime i read it i just either fall asleep or think of something else and go do it. Ok well the only way i can pass these sujects if i cheat or a miracle comes. So will Allah (Swt) punish me for cheating. the thing i dont get is why do they have to give us these subjects cause we wont need them in Life. Cuase my future is about engineering and it has got nothing to do with Pakistan. Thanks and serious answers please.





  1. No he won't punish you.

    Your own conscience will.  Don't do it again in the future, try to study more.  Try and make a game out of studying.  Set goals and give yourself rewards for studying a certain amount of time and staying on track.  Study with a partner. Don't just read the stuff, read it out loud, make notes, sing a song about it.  Anything to help.  For Pakistan studies, do you have an opinion about the stuff your learning.  Are their central characters that repeat themselves throughout the history or maybe themes.  Focus on these things and it might help.  

    Good luck.


    Love Allah... why are you going to Catholic school?  Gesh, that sounds terrible!

  2. Cheat. It's not that important, so cheat and go on with your life.We will forgive your cheating.

  3. U r in a school where u have to study subjects which u don't think will need in ur life. U cant do anythink to avoid syllabus of the  school, u will have to study those.For cheating , whether God will punish u that depends on ur faith. Like wise there could be some students who may not like hard subject like Engneering as u do, he may like Pakistan studies and geography. So inspite of wasting time about thinking to cheat , u should rather be start reading those subjects of ur school. Hope u will pass if u be attentive being free of  worries. Good luck.

  4. i am not trying to be idealistic,but i can't tell u you are allowed to cheat..

    regardless of what u r studying,even if it's not related to anything u do,still cheating is cheating,and Allah does not bless anything has done by cheating,even years from now..

    u said they r boring,but they r not tough,Allah won't ask you more than u can bare..

    dnt put the idea that u hate them in ur head,and u'll manage inshAllah,just be a bit a harder on urself...and dnt listen to shaytan..

  5. i am pakisatni

    that ******** question i ask always to my teacher in accounts and business administration .why that bullshit subject  is in our course  .boring subject Pakistan studies and geography  

    and what the f cuk that Pakistan native tongue is Urdu, in Karachi all people speak Urdu but we have Sindhi language in our course this is bullsh it

    the biggest university of Karachi  is Karachi university  its like jungle when u goin

    Pakistan stilll liv in stone age  education system suxs

    cheater need a heart of lion and i proud i am good cheater  

  6. Well, I am gonna be attending a catholic college in 5 days time. I'm gonna have to sit through 1 hour of Catholic lectures every week. Beat that!

    You should never cheat though. You'll be putting the name of Muslims down. Allah (SWT) never said it's haram to study Pakistani history, so why the heck d'you wanna cheat?

  7. im gonna be attending a catholic high school for the next 4 years and im gonna have to learn about the religion

    jut do your best and pray for ALLAH(SWT) to guid you through before you start studying and sart the test.

    inshallah you will get the guid from ALLAH(SWT)

    all in all dont cheat.

    the hadith says.

    who ever cheats us is not one of us.

    im not sure if tahst the right translation but i think this will do

    peace to you to.

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