
The opening the for stove 40" wide. I will be purchasing a 30" or 36" inch stove. How to fill the space?

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The opening the for stove 40" wide. I will be purchasing a 30" or 36" inch stove. How to fill the space?




  1. The left over space is too small to be useful. you do not want to store wine next to a stove because of the heat. If you do as Roscoe suggests you will have a gap in the counter top. You will eventually fill this space up with c**p. you will be unable to clean the space. if you question my comment just pull your stove out. I guarantee that even if you are very clean you will find spilled stuff on the side of the stove and cabinet. if you move the stove to one side you might not be centered under the vent hood. people will ask why you have such a large hood over a small stove with a big gap.

    The answer is a 40" stove or remodel the kitchen. Anything else looks like a bandaid.

  2. Personally I'd offset the stove to one side and build an open  unit for wine or utensils, and finish off the top to compliment the cooker making it look deliberate.


    On seeing roslenns answer, forget the wine rack idea.....

    It will look like a band aid.

    Move your units around, filling in the gaps top and bottom with fillets, and buy new work surfaces - failing which just get a whole new kitchen.

  3. Assuming that you have wooden cabinets or drawers on either side of the stove, the answer is easy and you can do it yourself.

    You will need to 'center your stove in the gap for it.

    Now if you roughly 4" to 6" on either side to fill up, find out what kind of wood cabinets you have? The idea here is to get two pieces of matching wood if cabinets are stained a color, or say if your cabinets and drawers are painted white, you can buy pine wood the width and length of the openings left over after you have installed the new stove. Now you can take this pine wood and paint it white or what ever color, or stain it to match ect. and nail it to the existing edge of the drawers or cabinets. Remember to make the wood piece at least one inch wider than the physical opening so that you can get at least a inch of the wood secured with nails or screws into the other existing wood for better support. I do this all the time in my handy man services.

    Hope this helps


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