
The opinion of the Valencian JurÃ_dic not fix anything

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The opinion of the Consell JurÃ_dic Consultiu on the power of the Valencian Academy of the Language to define the Valencian Wednesday became a boomerang for the Valencian Government.

The conclusions of the report requested by the Ministry of Education does not meet the expectations of the Consell and PP are committed to reopening the language conflict of the definition that has given the Valencian Acadèmia in his new Diccionari Normatiu. A definition that places the Valencian within the same linguistic system that Catalan. But even those who, within the Valencian Government, sought the opinion leave without oxygen to encourage debate.

The Consell JurÃ_dic Consultiu notes in its conclusions that the definition of the Acadèmia Diccionari Normatiu " does not fit " with the provisions of Article 6.1 of the Statute, which states that " the language of Valencia is Valencia." The report, which is not binding, makes clear that the power to make the dictionary and define Valencian language is the Acadèmia.

That is, according to the Constitution, the Statute and the law creating the AVL, " Valencia 's what the Valencian Academy of the Language says it is exercising its function to determine the official rules of Valencian in their grammatical, syntactic, phonetic, orthographic, lexical and any others necessary for the proper use of language. "

The decision of the Consell JurÃ_dic Consultiu is much more lax than written in 2004 when the Ministry of Education asked for a report to see if the Acadèmia was competent to give an opinion on " the name and institution of the Valencian ". Then the Consell JurÃ_dic Consultiu said the Acadèmia lacked " jurisdiction to grant or issue an opinion on the name and institution of the Valencian ". However, given the non- binding nature of the reports of the CJC, the Academy chose to ignore the advice and exercise jurisdiction. Ten years later, the new opinion no longer incorporates the conclusion issued a decade ago on the same subject.

The Valencian Government in turmoil, decided to delay the full spread of opinion to try to buy time and find a solution to the problem created by themselves.

On the one hand, the sector that focuses Consell close the conflict argued for use of the report to open a channel for dialogue with Acadèmia and a way to redirect the conflict and give a graceful exit to the Valencian Government.

Furthermore, supporters of encouraging conflict betting on academic pressure to accommodate the translation of Valencia to the provisions of statute.

The problem, according to sources of the Consell, is that belligerence PP general secretary and Minister of Interior, Serafin Castilian, who has questioned the continued Acadèmia - has dragged the president of the Generalitat.

" By equating the Valencian and Catalan, the AVL makes no sense, because was created precisely to defend the personality of our language," said days ago Castilian, who knows that the Acadèmia was reinforced in the reform of the Statute of 2006 and you can not change without a qualified majority of the Valencian Parliament.

The open part of the Valencian Government on account of the definition of the Valencian Acadèmia conflict has also become sterile popular efforts to place on the political agenda the discourse of economic recovery.

This Wednesday, Castilian and directors of Finance and Economy, Juan Carlos Moragues and Max Buch, respectively, met with the directions of the regional employers and CCOO Cierval of Valencia and CSI -F tested as unions and the linguistic conflict eclipsed his efforts.

And the difficulty is to throw a boomerang that either hit the target or collect know. Otherwise, the shot may be the caster.

 Tags: fix, JurÃ_dic, opinion, Valencian


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