No one knows for sure, of course (well maybe someone, but theyre not talking).
Ive always liked with the idea that they have alot to do with forms of energy. I know that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted. Perhaps a risudual entity is just trapped energy controlled by some unknown environmental force, such as magnetic hotspots, or perhaps because a large amount of electomagnetic energy in the form of thought/emotion was poured into a place, ghosts are often associated with tragedies.
Ive also read that on the smallest level of an atom, the particles seem to blink in and out of existence, much less solid than once thought. So maybe when contact is made with an entity, its during a "blink" of that bieng, and during this the energy of it is able to transcend spacetime into other periods of time and space.
Perhaps on some level of reality, creatures have mastered this into a controllable ability, traveling back and forth, and we see demons..
Your thoughts?