
The original diet given to man at creation fruits, nuts, vegetables ( added after the Flood) and grains .?

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Heating our foods destroys vital nutrient needed to sustain the organism in its optimum health and running efficiently. Another thing is the original diet open us up to the Holy Spirit prompting and influnces. It keeps the immune system strong. how long have we been heating our foods? look at nature no Animal in their natural environmment suffers as the human race does. The animal in captivity also have many if not all the diseases we suffer from. Especially the ones we consume.




  1. Is there a question here?

  2. No sorry,i have seen (somewhere)

    in the bible that the only food to eat

    to stay strong & healthy is:

    Roast leg of English lamb,potatoes

    roasted until Very crispy,

    buttered cabbage (sprouts ?)

    a.n other veg, & not forgetting

    creamy onion sauce OMG OMG !!!!!!!

  3. Your rant only makes sense if you are a Catholic or Christian which many people aren't. for those who choose to believe in science rather than religion, early hominids ate a mix of fruits/plants then scavenged meat from the kill of predators. It was during his consumption of meat that his brain started to develop. Religious stories are only usable to those who believe in it. Science, on the other hand, dos not need any predisposed belief system to prove itself

  4. true, we don´t need to conume animals. and we´re the only animals who heat up(cook) and flavor food before we eat it. what´s with the holy spirit? what´s that got to do with anything?

  5. spirits have nothing to do with food , humans are the only species that routinely poison themselves for a profit . that goes for plants and animals as well.just ask Monsanto about its Roundup ready GMO veggies already on your dinner plate!!!

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