
The other day i was watching a programme about Guantanamo Bay and the things that happens there, and i was ?

by Guest11123  |  earlier

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thinking about trying to contact the white house or somthing like that with phone calls and letters and e-mails, and i was wondering does anyone think this would do anything ? do you think anything would change by a 14 year old ?




  1. Just vote for Obama's 2nd term

  2. why?

  3. i don't think so ,Ca's we are at home specking when they making them choice.

  4. What kind of Liberal Propaganda Program were you watching exactly. I understand that you are only 14 years old. But there is something you should learn now. Research, read and, learn both sides of every story. There is so much Propaganda out there from the left and the right that young people like yourself are getting confused or are growing up learning false information because of it. All you see from one side of the media is anti right, and the other side which is much smaller is anti left. What ever you decide to do, or who you choose to side with, "Always read and learn both sides to every story". That way you can make an informed decision on what you are talking about.  

    Just for your information I was in Gitmo for a while and all the Anti Military, Anti Bush, pretty much Anti America propaganda is false. I am not in the Navy anymore so I have no reason to lie about it.

    They terrorists get treated better than we do there. And we put up with a h**l of a lot of c**p that we shouldn't have to. If normal prisoners in America did to prison guards what some of those people do, they would be getting taken care of and rightfully so.

    However Gitmo is a different Political Situation. And we cannot do what we should be able to do.

    Some of the every day things that the Terrorists do to us down there.

    1:Threaten to Kill us and our families and every American Alive

    2:Throw f***s and urine and vomit at us

    3:Attempt to break our arms "Off" when they are fed meal trays through the door slots.

    4: Purposely make plans using Codes and Secret Languages to tell certain people Lies about what we are doing to them. (Meaning they make up lies and make sure everyone that is in on it knows it verbatim so that way it sounds more true.

    5:Make jokes and tell us how happy they were with 9-11 and wish many more died.

    6: And much much more.

    The worst we can do is spray them with O.C Spray if they attack us. There are Digital Camera's and Microphones every where down there.

    We should be able to beat the every living c**p out of them when they do certain things to us, and be able to report every time they threaten to kill us. But we cannot or nothing gets done about it.

    So maybe you should research a little more first. Before jumping to conclusions based on false information.  

  5. You never know, yours might be the only voice to get through to them.

  6. what the h**l are you talking about?

    i saw the report CNN news, too.

    what about it?

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