
The overthrow of the Arbenz regime in 1954 had little to do with internal opposition, but rather...?

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The overthrow of the Arbenz regime in 1954 had little to do with internal opposition, but rather was the result of the intersection of an American-owned fruit company’s financial interests and the Eisenhower administration’s ideological concerns.” Do you agree/disagree with this statement?




  1. I agree, and for the same reasons Carlos listed above.

    America, through the CIA, has been s******g with the world for a long time.

  2. Yes I agree, Arbenz was a Democratically elected President. He and Guatemala at that time were at the top of development in Latin America, that is why people like Che Guevara was there before going on to Cuba. You can dislike what Che Guevara did but that is beside the point, Guatemala with Arbenz was in a period of great prosperity. His mistake was to anger the U.S and the Dole Brothers heads of United Fruit Company and Governmental Officials of the U.S. by nationalizing and giving the land that the company stole from the peasants back to them. The CIA had operations to overthrown Arbenz and put in power Castillo Armas and was the start of the true regimes that were the Military Dictatorships and the start of the civil war that lasted up to 1993 with the peace accords. That was why so many people had to flee to the US and other countries as well as President Clinton's  apology on behalf of the US towards Guatemala for its actions and the US as the root of all the violations of human rights that existed as well as the deadly war.

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