
The pain wont stop!?

by  |  earlier

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i have the flu and i cannot take anymore of the cold and flu tablets ive been taking coz im not meant to take them for more than 48 hours. ive been gettin by the past few days by taking them,they give me energy and then the aches and pains,dizziness,sore throat,coughing go away for a while. since today i have not taken any, i have been in bed all day- dont have the energy to get out. but have to go back to work tomorrow.

what can i take so these symptoms will lessen/calm down a bit ?

also, i keep noticing i am getting very nauseated. why is this ?could this be because of the pain ive been having near my right hip ? (doctor is sendng me to have an ultra sound to see if there is a cyst) .. or is it another flu symptom ?

please help!




  1. take some aspirin, and SLEEP for as long as you can. sleep is MAGIC! :P you may want to see a doctor about the hip thing.  

  2. You have a flu and couldn't take anymore of the cold and flu tablets you frequently taking. If you are taking them all along then you condition should have improve by now. THAT IS THE WRONG MISCONCEPTION of medicine they do not give us energy or strength, they are just analgesic or pain relieve. Pain particularly body pain from colds and flu. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ENERGY obviously because you must replenish your strength back by EATING NUTRITIONAL FOODS like vegetable and lots of fruit juices to give you vitamin c while you are still recuperating in bed. You just can't just lie there and eat nothing but biscuit, how would your strength return back to you?

    IN MY OWN experience I drink lots of sour grapes or fruits with so much bitterness in it like lemon or oranges the bitter the taste the better. Ginger is one of the best for throat aches by boiling them and drinking its extract. You are nauseated because you sleep all day, get up and walk for a while under the heat of sunshine. The pain in your right hip could be the result of your lying all day in your bed, but better check it out with a doctor to be sure.

  3. Usually the pain doesn't leave your body until the virus does. It sounds like you have taken enough medication, maybe now, just a couple of panadol and go back to bed. When you have a flu virus you should be resting only. Don't think you should be going back to work tomorrow until you feel a lot better, otherwise it might get worse.
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