
The parable of the costumes and the honor of political

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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It was January 25, 2012, when the popular jury of six men and three women declared not guilty to Francisco Camps, president of the Generalitat Valenciana, and Ricardo Costa, former Secretary General of the Valencian People's Party, the offense of improper bribe, not being tested, as five of its nine members, who receive gifts - famous outfits and some stuff more - of the ringleaders of the plot GÃ_rtel.

Of course you are entitled to air both political verdict of innocence, then ratified by a chamber of the Supreme Court in April 2013, from prosecution. Certainly. But the millions of citizens who followed the trial, with live television cameras, are also owners remember their gestures - especially Camps and contradictions, as well as the strength of each and every one of the witnesses who testified against, with special mention to José Tomás, the famous tailor. So they wield reason laden paper and others relive what we hear - tremendous - and - painful - saw. Because it was indelible.

The history of the suits is not, despite the contempt with which he treated the subject Rajoy himself - " affect intelligence to think that someone is going to sell for three suits," he said in an interview on TV3 on April 23, 2009 - less an issue. And it is not, first, because the practice of wills with buying gifts is so characteristic of their snails Correa, and because it affects several senior government officials. Namely, Francisco Camps (President), 8 suits, jackets 5, 6 pants and three pairs of shoes, plus tuxedo with black vest (not white) as mandated by the protocol to see the Pope at the Vatican, Victor Campos (VP) 6 suits, 4 American, 6 pants and morning coat, Ricardo Costa (PP general secretary), 4 costumes, 3 American and 6 pants, Rafael Betoret, (former chief of staff of the Valencian Agency of Tourism (AVT) and hand exconsejera right of Tourism, Milagrosa Martinez), 8 suits, jackets 6, 6 and 3 coats pants. And Pedro Garcia, the CEO of Channel 9, 7 suits, jackets 5 and 6 pants.

Remember that Betoret and Campos admitted guilt, the former returned the clothes and the second the amount paid. That is, the suits themselves were a bribe "to curry favor " for being a public office, as issued its judgment. Difficult to understand why there, yes, and here -Camps and Costa, no, but so was the jury's decision. That ridiculous back and forth with José Tomás president taking action at the Ritz, or Costa hotel party in his office, looking for an Italian Camps trabilla itself is more slender, or those justifications money box pharmacy woman Camps, Isabel Bas, or even the saber to the driver, searchable jokes in any newspaper archive, can not hide, despite their point of futility, the important thing: the great and close friends who brought the president of a community such as Valencia, then showered with wealth and debauchery by divine gold and three fourth conseguidor expert milking public coffers contracts poorly protected.

Recall telephone conversations - including the " soul buddy " - but also the whole trip to the Vatican, or its proximity to almost all meetings of the president, or that time when Ricardo Costa, the top job of the party, asks Alvaro Pérez Camps speak with him in goal for the government. As important as the extreme proximity of the Moustaches with self Ricardo Costa, Ric called him, whom I did some more gifts - an English course, negotiations with luxury cars, while trying on contracts with the party and the Government, as can be heard in many of the conversations recorded by police and dotted all the teaser.

Because the worst is that while these close friendships between the intermediary and politicians, at least ten departments of the Generalitat signed 85 contracts worth more than 13 million companies with the plot, preferably Orange Market were given. Other sources up contracts, and calculate the amount of 16 million. GÃ_rtel penetration born in Valencia and radiates from the friendship of ÃÅlvaro Pérez, Moustaches, with Francisco Camps, the politician who managed to escape the memory of Eduardo Zaplana sticky to become firm and undisputed leader. The doors were opened to the representative of Orange Market from the time he had received the magic touch of the finger top leader.

So the Valencian Government to channel opened in The Whiskers, because that is what they wanted from above. We have testimonies. As an example, the appearance is enough, just two weeks from exconsejero of Health, Luis Rosado, before Judge Joseph Ceres ago. He went on to say, merely obey the order " Presidential " signing contracts with Orange Market and Asymmetrical Design. This strategy is the same as are the defendants in one of the six pieces, called " small claims " because it is more than 70 contracts awarded to various ministries finger and could not spend 12,000 euros, or were Exploded other major contracts were split to circumvent legal controls. They did "first presidency ", they say, because almost none of these defendants knew that ́lvaro P̩rez or at least that is what they said to the judge.

Rafael Betoret, for example, did know Moustaches, and well, have chosen the same route of defense. Just ask Camps, it says, ordering us to serve Pérez as if it were a catarÃ_ sheikh who had arrived at Castellon airport to offer multimillion investments. We remind you that Betoret is still charged in the case Fitur. Acknowledged his fault for costumes, a second conviction, to a history, could be fatal for him... And we said, incidentally, that the chief of staff of Francisco Camps was Ana Michavila, sister of former minister here we stumbled across each trice, even signed for Madrid firm, eius, the head of the advocacy of the Generalitat, José MarÃ_.

But you have to talk about politics, because politicians talk. Despite all this scandal in streets and squares, Mariano Rajoy reaffirmed Francisco Camps as PP candidate for the Government in 2011, and on party lists for regional elections showed nine involved in the plot (including Camps) and other cases of corruption as called Brugal case involving the PP of Alicante. Support Camps was epic. Remember the " I'll always be behind you, in front or to the side, I do not care," the bullring in Valencia June 3, 2009? Perhaps more difficult for them to award this phrase to its author, Jaime Mayor Oreja, same day, same place: "Paco Camps, the most honorable of all Spaniards."

COUNTRY editorial the day after the acquittal by the jury to the two leaders had an overwhelming Valencian paragraph: " The Camps and Costa acquittal by a jury could be interpreted as a gesture of citizen satisfaction with corrupt politicians; as the polls to vote for them. " It is true that the massive vote in the polls in his favor, as had occurred on May 22, 2011, when the issue of wearing costumes dance two years in court. Should we believe that none of this had taken a toll on the strength of the PP in Valencia? As the plot GÃ_rtel would not have any bearing? He soon saw that it was only a mirage: Camps finally resigned on July 20 of that year, and his successor, Alberto Fabra, dodging moves since then as can a calamity after another. Costa Ric is charged in other causes. While awaiting trial.

 Tags: costumes, honor, parable, political


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