
The paranormal has been defined as things science cannot explain...?

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What do you know about the people who are involved in paranormal activities and their influence on the world we live in?




  1. The group I work with are a mix of people that help others explain strange happenings in their home or business.  We also work with people to develop their skills as psychics, teach how to do investigations, and make available equipment for monitoring paranormal actives.  Many people experience strange events that fall outside of normal science,  we try to fill in the gap. We are Christians, Pagans, Buddhists, and atheists, so we try to keep religion out of our work unless asked to do religious cleanings. I guess that what we do best is to let people know if they have a real haunting or if they have a normal explanation for what is happening.

  2. Hard to answer because your initial assumption is false ..

    Science can not explain GRAVITY .. so that makes it "paranormal" ??? (I think not)

    A scientist would define the "paranormal" as "claimed phenomena, not repeatable nor subject to experimental observation, that not only contradicts established theory, but is fundamentally at odds with the observed reality"

    Example - Poltergeist /  psychokinesis (breaks established theory such as Laws of conservation of energy & Newtons laws of motion (action  & reaction) and is at odds with established reality of our Universe (things do not move unless acted upon by a force)).

  3. People involved in paranormal investigations are just hobbyists having fun, no impact on the world we live in.


  4. The paranormal has been defined as things science cannot explain yet.

  5. All I know is that sometimes the Ghost Hunters give me the gagebeez.  They try to debunk any paranormal activities reported in a setting, but sometimes they run into some real strange stuff.

    On a more personal note, I have gone ghost hunting.  The most active place was the closed prison in Moundsville, WV.  We have pictures of black orbs.  One guy had a picture of a huge flame that lasted nearly 20 seconds on the camera.  The room was completely dark at the time of the pictures.  Other people were losing battery power, some flashlights went out within seconds of being turned on.  We tried to get some EVPs, but were unsuccessful.  One guy in a different party did have an EVP that clearly said, " I'll take you to h**l".  All in all, it was a pretty scary place.

  6. that they cheat people out of their money and they just make people doubtful and unsure.

  7. i know one of the most uncivilized countries have that kind of mystery mostly

    ethiopia the country i am living in right now has a lot of strange things happening all the time especially in axum

    it is really scary

    so this things do exist but it is the work of the devil so you can not stick your nose and try to see what is happening for you might loose it

    one good example is the '' budda '' not chinese Holly  budda  

    in here they are said to be people who have made relations with evil they are said to cause you some kind of seizure

    i did not believe it even bet my life on it until i saw it partially

    so in my opinion they do really exist !

    if you want a paranomal story that sounds real


  8. science can explain everything since the big bang but scientists tend to be fairly serious about their work and have limited funds for their research so only a few will bother to put their efforts into paranormal activities.

    given time and money science would provide explanations for everything we call paranormal.

  9. The people I know personally who are involved in the paranormal are investigators who try to debunk as much as possible and when something cannot be debunked , only then do they say that it is "paranormal" which means that it is outside of the norm.

    I even know a few skeptics and those who really do NOT believe in ghosts who are investigators. They are looking for proof that they do not exist So not everyone who does this is "crazy".

    As for their influence on the world? Well ,  once there was a family who was seeing strange things. Turned out it was caused by some sort of gas leak.....once that was fixed no more "ghosts". If left unattended, the leak could have caused serious problems. So those investigators helped that family. I think anytime you can help someone in a positive way, that you are helping to make the world better, little by little.

    And for the record,they always do it for FREE!

  10. First off ... by that definition, most diseases (microbes) would have been considered "paranormal" a few hundred years ago.

    Indeed, most leading edge scientists would be (by that definition) engaged in explaining the paranormal.

    However, the thing that irritates most scientists generally is people who say they are investigating paranormal activity without using scientific methods (create a theory, test it, discard it if it doesn't work, etc).

  11. There are many things in the paranormal science can explain.Much of the ancient astronaut craze for example.Other things like psychics and the  different powers they claim(telekinesis,obe's,etc.)They've been tested and re-tested so much their existence is virtually de-bunked.The fact that so many refuse to accept the findings.That's the only reason most are unexplained.Ghosts,demons,leprechauns etc.Just because silly folks believe in them.Does not make them real.

      Personally,I'm glad scientists are working on medicine,the environment and other useful things.Not the imaginings of closed-minded Spook-Sayers.

  12. Nonsense science has explained everything without exception from the start of the universe to how it will end and every single human experience in between.

    How dare you question science.

    People involved in things science can't explain therefore don't exist.


  13. its simple if the mass of people cant understand it then its paranormal. and the people who study it are crazy until the can prove that they are right after that they are no longer crazy and they become experts ( life sucks and your a fool till you have Proof )

  14. The paranormal is not the things that science cannot explain.  It is the things that have not been shown to exist and apparently can't be tested.  Therefore, they are not open to science.

  15. well i wasn't involved by choice i know what I'm ex ping is real it took me very long to understand and accept i don't need approval of no one  and i keep it to myself cause people and loved ones do not understand and also there's a lot of phonies i would not believe to any one

  16. Most so called paranormal phenomena are very easily explained by science as simple trickery or the delusions of a feeble mind.

    The one thing science can't explain is why so many people continue to believe it is all true.

  17. they are either gullible delusional people or canny people who exploit gullible delusional people

    do a youtube search for "derek acora"

    hes one of the canny people

    influence on the world???  pmsl its about as influential as my sock drawer

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