
The patriot act states that Bush can remain in power until he pleases, will he attack Iran and stay in power.?

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Bush plans to stay in power forever. Bush/ Mc Cain want to stay in power and ruin this country.




  1. They are not going to attack Iran anytime soon. They are already making tons of money in Iraq and Afganistan right now. Bush isn't in power he only seems to be. Obama and McCane serve the same greedy masters as Bush.

  2. Are you feeling allright? The Kool-Aid seems to be strong with you...

    No one, particularly not Bush or McCain, wants another front in the war. That would guarantee defeat. Though you probably like losing, people like McCain like winning. And Bush doesn't want to stay in power. You can bet he's counting the days till he can relax in Crawford and get out from the stress and rabid hatred the job entails.

  3. Just recently, the White House was adamantly denying published reports that Bush plans to invade Iran before he leaves office (if those reports are being denied, they're probably true).

    Bush has revoked the Posse Comitatus Act of 1879, which gives him the authority to declare martial law without the consent of Congress. It's a very real possibility that Bush might stage another 'terrorist attack' on U.S. soil, blame it on Iran (although he'll have to come up with a better excuse than 'weapons of mass destruction'), and declare another unconstitutional, illegal, immoral 'war'.

    Of course, it's not really Bush's doing. He's only a puppet, 'selected' to be President by a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers who want to become wealthier and more powerful. Bush 'owes' them for all the times they've bailed him out of one failed business venture after another. And Bush only dangles from their strings at their pleasure.

    Bush could attack Iran (this time the 'terrorist attack' would have to be in the Midwest, perhaps St. Louis or Chicago), declare martial law (claiming that it's in the best interests of national security not to change administrations), and continue being our 'Commander-In-Chief' (he so enjoys playing soldier as long as he doesn't have to risk any bodily harm to himself).

    Then he can install the same kind of non-military 'benchmarks' as he has in Iraq: force the surrender of two-thirds of the nation's OIL fields, which allows corporations like Exxon-Mobil to virtually STEAL these countries' most valuable economic resources.

    Bush has no conception as to what he has done to this world. He's a clueless idiot trying to find his way back to his village.   -RKO-  06/29/08

  4. Wow... I am by no means a Democrat but this Iraq war and now the Iran incident are out of control. Americans want America protected, but we don't want to waste out hard-earned taxpayer dollars on being the world's police force. We went to Iraq on a false premise, and now we are stuck there waiting for the Iraqi government to get their act together and actually have control. We must protect our country, and use our defense budget to do so.

  5. He can try.

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