
The people of Ohio lost 200,000 factory job since 2000 do you think it NAFTA fault?

by Guest65593  |  earlier

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The people of Ohio lost 200,000 factory job since 2000 do you think it NAFTA fault?




  1. Of course not.  I know some Ohio factory workers, they priced themsleves out of a job.  It's justice too, those underworked overpaid union workers drive up our consumer prices and rob us.  America should eliminate Unions all together.

  2. I am personally not a fan of NAFTA but just recently it has been brought to my attention that there are sveral factors (including NAFTA) that has helped eliminate manufacturing jobs. Technology is in fact a large part of what has attributed to the jobs loses in the manufacturing industry. As one of the others have stated the constant demand for higher wages. Greedy owners who don't want to share any of the profits. The hugh demand for cheaper products by the American consumer. It is more than NAFTA, but does contribute to the cause


    Where is the demand for basic heavy industry products such as:

    - coal

    - cement

    - steel

    - aluminium

    - glass

    Think again about it

    - The US has plenty of buildings and cars and the only demand is for replacement while China has a booming demand.

    - The replacement happens with better technologies and recycling which reduces the demand for such products.

    - Thanks to a better engineering, we need 50% less steel in metallic constructions compared to 20 years ago... the jobs have just shifted to a more knowledge based society.


    I am appalled that nobody here could see it.

    You should go to China to understand the drivers of the demand.

    BTW: Unions were scared of climate action because they feared that the loss of industries to developing countries... the truth is that the US lost them even without climate action because they would have gone there anyway...

    I also live in Europe in a coal mining and steel producing places and WE DID THE SAME MISTAKE WHINING ABOUT OUR FATE INSTEAD OF CREATING NEW JOBS !!! And this is because our politicians are idiots and our people technologically and socially conservative.

  4. No its Ohio's liberal tax and spend mommy state joined at the hip to labor unions who have made Ohio's labor pool incapable of competing.  Loser - Ohio, Winner - all of the rest of us.

  5. Nothing is perfect, and admittedly unions have their downsides. But if there weren't any unions, then the workers would be left to the mercy of the fat cat industrialists and that would be worse. But the point is, NAFTA was and is a bad idea, not that all of the manufacturing jobs that have left the U.S. have moved to Mexico. A lot of those American manufacturers set up shop in China and are selling their products through huge retailers such as Walmarts and Toys R Us. Maybe, to some extent, we should try to emulate the Amish or other similar communities that are self-reliant and just say no to "globalism". Enough is enough.

  6. follows that America has priced itself out of the production markets...refuses to let the migrants in to pick our produce and the independent truckers are going broke with the high cost of deisel fuel to deliver the goods.  Soon we'll all be living like the Ohio Amish folks, like it or not.

  7. If they hadn't supported the Unions they would not have driven the companies out of business.

  8. yes it is thy need to repeal it

  9. No, as most of those jobs probably went to China, not Mexico or Canada.

  10. no

  11. NAFTA and outsourcing. The EU has a much more long-term approach to dealing with international competition. We should demand that our leaders look into it. If they don't:

    Demand an amendment granting citizens the power to call to question (by petition) any item of any law and then the power to veto whatever we citizens - having proven a sufficient understanding of all sides concerning the item/bill - find unconscionable.


  12. Outsourcing continues to be the culprit.

  13. partly yes other sweetheart trade deals as well most of the jobs probably went to china. Amazing the neo cons blame the unions instead of the greedy corporations and this sham adminstration which hands out   tax breaks for sending our jobs elsewhere

  14. pruduction jobs went to third world countrys

  15. YES, BECAUSE OF NAFTA big factories moved to countries where they could keep more profit by hiring  child labor.or uneducated people ,people who cain't use logic in a putting screws where there's holes.

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