
The people that stare and that gets into you conversation, have you ever felt like...?

by Guest34015  |  earlier

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I was in the store with my dad and these people (looks like mother and son) was completely into our conversation, so into it, I even gave them 'wth are you looking at look the other way' look! But they just kept staring! I was soooo close to yell at them "WHAT!!!???". So next time if a person gets into my business, you think I should yell at them?




  1. I wouldn't suggest it to you. It would be better if you stepped aside and started talking more quietly, so they can't listen to the conversation any more.

  2. I'm guessing that this conversation was in the check out line in the store.  When stuck in such a line, watching the pretty girl having a conversation in front of them is better than staring at the M&Ms, Tabliods, and Women's magazines.

    Ignore them, or feel sorry for them that they cannot seem to have their own personal conversation in public, or invite them into the conversation.  If you stare back and yell at them, you will embarrass your father and they will then assume that you are rude.

    Otherwise, if do not wish for people to be in "your buisness", do not discuss "your buisness" in public.  Wait until you get to the car, or your home.

  3. I say stare back at them and see what happens.

  4. I am chuckling because your suggested response is exactly what I would do. If not "WHAT?!", then "Can I help you?" or just turn to them as though they are part of the conversation and say, "And what do you think?"

  5. Yes, people do it to me ALL the time. I don't even have to be conversing with people. People just stare @ me because of my disability. It makes me wanna slap them.

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