
The person that answered my question about the milkyway galaxyan the effect on the world are you an expert on?

by Guest58064  |  earlier

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the topic or are you one of those people that think they know? It was on the sci-fi channel about it.




  1. I'm not the guy.  I just wanted to say that 1) tv is a notoriously poor source of information (although if you are careful and pay attention you can sift out some pretty interesting truths), and 2) sci-fi is short for science FICTION, and I presume you understand that fiction implies that the stories are made up. not presented with the intention to be interpreted as true, although generally good fiction contains many truths, in the general meaning of the term.

    That said, if you wish to believe that the world will end in 2012, that is your choice.  Knock yourself out.  Just don't be thin-skinned about it if people tend to point out where the problems with the concept are obvious.

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