
The person that transcends the world and stands at the mountain top, what becomes of them?

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So good to see you, mainly, what do they become, what do they do.




  1. Reality mirrors their passion and purpose and they experience an eternal state of aliveness in the now.  Heaven/Nirvana.

  2. After they leave earth they enter limitless Light.

    Interestingly I asked my teacher a few days ago "what happens when we reach illumination but are still incarnate?"

    Her response was "then we make tea" while pouring me a cup.  

  3. They become/be the world, the part of the world, and realize that their separation all along was artificial and contrived and they were in fact all along connected beautifully with all that exist in creation.Reap joy and peace. Love and help self and world!

  4. 1.Sabikalpa samadhi devotee's consciousness merges in Spirit.

    HIs life force is withdrawn from the body.

    2.Nirbikalpa samadhi , he communes with God, his body not fixed & is in highly advanced stage

  5. What becomes of them? Or, what do they become?

    Some spread their wings and step off the mountain...

    -----and by the time they become that....we will be so much more...

    Always good to feel your presence, Dancerman...

    -----destaem nomoa: there is no mountain?

    You err, and you do have a challenge set before you...

  6. They laugh and laugh and laugh when they realize that there was nothing to transcend and no mountain top.  Nothing comes of them that they are not already and have not eternally been.  

  7. Depends on what you believe in.

    I don't think one can transcend until they let go of the idea of the  mountain top and the desire to reach it.

    After that its all clear light.

  8. Right now most remain to assist others. Some do Ascend having Spiritualized every cell in their body. Some lay the flesh aside. All obviously have Ascended In Consciousness. I guess it depends upon the Will of the Individual and That of God.

  9. I would like to know that :)

    but what they have to do? they show light to the world many times though not all

  10. I dunno...sometimes...the mountain is a molehill.

    Hindsight is 20/20 they say.

    (what goes up......must come down)??  :)

    The Balance.

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