
The person who answered my q before? sovein?

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sovein? if ur there can u tell me wat i could do to fix the tiramasu?




  1. If it's really separated (it tastes grainy when you eat it), you may not be able to fix it.  But if it's a little lumpy, you could try chilling it - then gently folding in some heavy cream  which has not been whipped.

  2. Jeez people It's not that big a deal  Assuming that you haven't assembled your product yet  all you got to do is :

    Using a fine mesh strainer with a handle on it .

    Dump your lumpy mixture into it and using either a big rubber spatula or the back  of a big wooden spoon force your mixture thru the mesh and scrape it off the other side .

    Whenever i scratch make creme patisserie  i just do that out of force of habit b/c I know that it guarantees a lump-free product

  3. Serve at room temp.  Dust top w/ lots of sweetened cocoa and/or shaved chocolate.

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