
The phone company 3 and calls abroad?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, im expecting a call from Microsoft in the next few days, however, im going to malta for 2 weeks, starting on tuesday.

I am on contract with the phone company 3, on their £15 a month 300 minutes or texts price plan. Will i be charged if microsoft phone me and im in malta?

By the way, im in the UK if that helps.





  1. It appears that Three's charges are quite cheap, if I've check right it's only 10p per minute. Follow the link below to check for yourself.

  2. I am with Three and have just come back from France, I believe you will be charged with receiving the call but they have one of the lowest rates for taking call outside the UK.I can't remember how much but it is less than 30pence per minute.Give them a call 123 from your hand set and they will tell you.It would also be a good idea to make sure international roaming is unlocked on your phone  good luck  

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