
The phone landline broke and it will take AT&T a week to check it out. Is that a 911 safety issue?

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The phone landline broke and it will take AT&T a week to check it out. Is that a 911 safety issue?




  1. Yes, in the sense that you will not be able to call 911 from your landline, but you can still call from your cell phone.

  2. The phone company uses MLT (Mechanized Line Test) to test your phone line.  It tells them long the phone line is and what is wrong.  If the trouble is in your home and you do not have an 'Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan' with them, it could take a while and they will charge you a service call.  If you do not have the 'Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan', technically your are responsible for the inside wiring, not the phone company.  If they tested the line and the trouble is between your NIU (Network Interface Unit, where the phone line connects to your home) and the phone company's Central Office, they would fix it quickly, they are required to clear troubles or make a valiant effort with a certain time frame by law.

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