
The phrase "The best thing since sliced bread" is well known, but what was the best thing Before sliced bread?

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The phrase "The best thing since sliced bread" is well known, but what was the best thing Before sliced bread?




  1. It has to be a bread knife.

  2. lol, i'd say the loaf bread. XD but seriously Fire would be the best thing before sliced bread. :D

  3. CHEESE!!

  4. Bread

  5. I agree, the wheel...

  6. Unsliced bread. I really think they should update this to "The best thing since long life milk."

  7. Man's mastery of fire and the discovery of metal and smelting it for tools.  Or?  may be not, thinking about it, we only made weapons didn't we and look where that got us all today?  sometimes I am toooo serious.  I'm gonna change my answer to Marshmallows.

  8. The bread slicing machine !

  9. Unsliced bread

  10. Fire or the wheel.

  11. I always thought it was 'neater' than sliced bread and supposed to be a play on words.

    I don't know, but I really think something like indoor plumbing would be more appropriate for 'best'.  "The best thing since indoor plumbing." - now that would be a compliment.

  12. im not really a fan of this expression. in fact i question it. really? millions of years of evolution and inventions and this is it? sliced bread? to me, even a lava lamp is greater than sliced bread. its not that hard. you take a knife, you take the loaf, and you cut the ******' thing.

    thats my personal favorite answer

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