
The phrase/tagline you hate most..?

by  |  earlier

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i deeply hhhate the words "anjakan paradigma" and "modal insan"...sounds lame..




  1. "we are different"

  2. duh!

  3. 1)All AF tagline especially..Mawi world! (to d**n la konon..), wazzup wazzup! (yurks!) and  Ape ke he nye yeop! (nyampah...)

    2)Some of the Merdeka motto..sounds very old fashion..

    3)" Tak kan Melayu hilang didunia" ( sounds very cocky..are they far more powerful than God?)

    4) " biar mati anak, jangan mati adat" ( well who's gonna preserves the adat if there's none?)

  4. paper jer...

    go to h**l!!!

  5. "m not trying to brag here but..."

    gi mampos....oppss..hohoho

    if u want to brag,then brag la..dont la make so-called 'humble-la-sgt' statement..chey..

  6. yup agreed with Lego, Nabil's tagline is soo ANNOYING and i think it is so RUDE!!!

    i can tolerate with bersih,cekap amanah eventhough  sometimes not so cekap....i can tolerate with malaysia boleh eventhough sometimes not so boleh....i can tolerate anjakan paradigma eventhough not so anjak..

    but lu pikir la sendiri....issshhhhh..i just want to take a shot gun and shoot myself (just figure of speech..hehe)...

  7. What’s up,

    I’m not trying to brag here but it's very simple, kita memerlukan satu anjakan paradigma agar kita dapat melahirkan modal insan yang bersih, cekap dan amanah sejajar dengan nilai-nilai dalam Islam Hadhari. In order to do that, we need to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX in true spirit of Malaysia Boleh. Correct or not? Lu pikir la sendiri…

    What the h**l, just gimme the best answer A.S.A.P. I mean, I want it now! I already gave you baeeeek punyaaaa karangan. I’m not copying other people’s answers, where got? No, no, no, it’s mine. Whatever…

  8. bersih cekap dan amanah,, -Malaysian goverments motto


    mesra cepat dan betul--Malaysian police motto

  9. Tak kerja ke ?  Cuti ker ?  

  10. I'm not in asia, but "Thinking Outside The Box" I just hate it.

  11. When I here "my bad", I just cringe.

  12. +killmeifucan+

    i hate the phrase "Islam Hadhari" and "I hate you"

  13. Baeeek punyaaaa by Dafi AF5


    This is the worst slogan ever.  Just like a little kid that doesnt belive in himself to shout this as he does some impossible task.

    Shows malaysia to be very non-confident and just praying for miracles in olympics and anywhere else this is used.

  15. ..i really get pissed off if someone answers me back with the words "wateverrrrr"...

  16. mawwii wooooorld.

    take a look at this uncyclopedia :

  17. before have boy friend

    -when u will have boy friend?

    after have boyfriend

    -when u wanna marry?

    after marry

    -when u will pregnant?

    after pregnant

    -when will the baby born?

    after born

    -when u wanna have second child?

    after 35

    -when will ur son/daughter have BF/GF

    then the question will repeat and repeat........

  18. when older people try to act "cool" and say whats up or yo.  

  19. I agree with Tiger. I dunno why but the tag 'Malaysia Boleh' sounds lame to me. I was representing the country few years ago in a competition in our neighbour country. I won and when the management ppl ask me to shout Malaysia Boleh.. I just smile and I never say that tagline the entire event. I won some cash and some very exciting prize but they took all of it just because I refuse to say 'Malaysia Boleh'. May I ask what did Malaysia do to help me won the competition? if I say Purple Lemon Boleh! thats another story la.. I win what.. so I should shout that I can..isnt? tsk..tsk..tsk.. there goes my prize to Bahamas for

  20. in the office, i hate hearing or reading messages for me that starts with phrase like, "there you go... or ends with "A.S.A.P. (as soon as possible)"

  21. 1. Are you married ?

    2. Can you do me a favour ?

    3. Later later !

    4. I told you

    5. Hurry up

    6. "What are you doing ?" when I am secretly YAMming

    7. Are you free later ?

    8. "Carry the *** , don't know how to change shoulder"

  22. my favourite...

    -boleh bah kalo ko!!!

    -crab bless you

    i hate

    -not politically motivated by the pervert najib

  23. 1) Idiotic taglines uttered by celebs like 'Worrlldd" & 'WaaChaa!!'

    2) 'Buat Kerja' - The two bloody big banners hanging at the entrance to the Jalan Duta court. Why? Is the situation so bad that the staff got to be told to work?

    3) 'Ketuanan Melayu' - Master race is it? Better than all other races? Reminds me of a certain 'Aryan Master Race' tagline by a certain political party called the n**i party. Look what happened to them.

    4) 'Yo bro' or anything that has the word bro in it - I know who my brothers are & I only have three.

    5) 'Relaxlah brudderr' - Enough said.

    6) 'Malaysia Boleh' - Boleh for all the wrong reasons.

    7) 'Pantang Dicabar' - Is he god?    


  25. Im okay with anjakan paradigma but not okay with "Malaysia Boleh".


    Lily Pie, is that a tagline? Or what?

  26. Adi...that's the best!!! Thumbs-up for you!!

    "Malaysia Boleh" makes feel negative, suspicious & lose confident.

  27. 'duh! or whateverrrrr!!!' sound so darn childish to me!

  28. "Correct or not?"- Dumb people act smart. "I want it now!!!" - the boss' tagline.

  29. your face

  30. What the h**l

  31. all tagline from all the reality shows... h**l, why do u need one???? remember farah breep breep? is that a tagline? duh...

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