
The pig Ghetto?

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In groups of 80 to 200 animals. we pigs are kept on grating nearly in constant darkness. We stand on split flooring with no straw on it. We are produced as if in a factory. The breeding sows are artificially inseminated in individual pens. During their 15 weeks of pregnancy. they are kept vegetating in very dimly lit tiny concrete stalls. To give birth they are fed up in special birthing pens They can hardly move and can merely stand up and then lie down again. So it is impossible for them to care for their young!

This is the food which humans consume never knowing the torture of how the vast amounts are produced and they charge high price for this mess in restaurants.

yet no act responsibly for what they consume why is this?

So I say to all - DON'T EAT NOTHING WITH EYES. WHO can explain this process?~!. If continue to read my questions! I am sure each of you will learn something about that which you consume - Doing more harm to the environment, living animals and self!




  1. I'm amazed how a pig was able to sign into Yahoo Answers and type a question that isn't really a question, but more of a statement. You could go on Leno or something because you are obviously a super pig!

    EDIT: I agree with Shana. It's not the consumers fault, it's the industry who tortures the animals.

  2. This is more of a rant than a question.

    Actually, few pigs are kept like this these days. The standards are too high.

    Sorry, but Y!A is not for people to vent frustrations on. Go and write a letter to the local pig farmers or hug a tree or something. Just don't post on here unless you have a valid question.

    That said, this will no doubt be reported by someone.

  3. okay, lets all put the pigs in 5 star hotels! wats up with you talking about yourself like oyure one? freak.

  4. There will always be people who eat meat. It's our nature. Just like tigers eat antelope..etc.

    The blame is not on the people who consume, it is the industries who torture the animals and allow them to live in less than standard living conditions.

    Those farms need to be evaluated and held to certain HUMANE standards.
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