
The place where I work got robbed at gunpoint, should I quit?

by  |  earlier

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I work at a fast food restaurant and it got robbed by three guys with guns. I was there, but not hurt. They forced one of the employees to open up the registers and kinda roughed him up a little bit, took all the money, and left. They made us all get on the floor while they robbed us. This is only the second time this has happened in like 15 years, but it was scary, they could have killed us all and had no witnesses because there were no customers in the store at the time and the cameras didn't have tape in them. Should I quit and find another job or am I just being paranoid?




  1. 1st can i say, glad you are all ok

    2nd. I've never been robbed in all my life and this is "only" you're second time??

    I think you need to decide if your life is worth losing at work, i don't think you could class any of it as paranoia.... Good luck with whatever you decide x x

  2. You are not paranoid. I honestly am saying (even though I don't know you) that I'm happy you are okay. I work in a restaurant and I worry about walking to my car alone because of people thinking I have cash, because of tips. I would say look for another job, because nothing is worth sacrificing your safety or your life. And if you are scared about not being able to pay your bills, as most of us are, have faith that you will find a new job and  be able to start over. Be safe and peace.

  3. Not required its all about the company's financial situation after robbery

  4. Woah, it depends if you will ever feel safe working there again.

  5. I think he won't be back so you are okay to stay.

  6. nope

  7. If you continue to work there, I'd insist that the cameras have tape and cooperate whenever you are robbed; however, nowadays it seems that someone will kill you, insuring they will go to prison, just so you can't identify them.

    We've seen shootings in malls, churches, airports, colleges, schools, parking lots, homes, on the street, offices, post offices, in cars, while driving -  by co-workers,  crazies, and someone trying to rob them.

    If you're going to quit, be sure you have another job first.  I have never had this happen to me and I don't know if I could go back to work if it did happen.  I don't know how you could find out if a business had never been robbed.  If you do, that might be a good place for you to apply.

    Your place of work seems pretty safe if it has been robbed only twice in fifteen years - I can't believe I wrote that.  

    Still, this sort of event is pretty rare, despite how it may appear on TV news.  I just hope they don't return since they were successful.  I notice that the same bank locally has been robbed three times by the same man.

    Good luck.  There is nothing wrong with being afraid of something real.

  8. With the crime rate as high as it is, it seems to me, you wouldn't be less vulnerable unless you were working for, say, an insurance company, Walmart or a bank.  The fact that this is, only, the second robbery in 15 years would indicate you're in a fairly safe area.  Unfortunately, anyone who is in the fast food business, or a 7-11, is an easier target than someone working in an enclosed environment.  

    I would be infuriated that the security cameras weren't in working condition which, in my opinion, is a careless disregard for the protection of the employees.   The store manager should be responsible for this, shouldn't he or she?  I would apply for  job at Target, or elsewhere, unless you are informed, on a weekly basis, that the cameras have been checked.  The person who neglected this will have to answer to their boss but this doesn't make up for them not maintaining the system (some people are stupid..).  The police must have been "not impressed" as it has prevented them from being able to, possibly, identify the thieves.

    Am glad you weren't harmed but am sure something like this is a "shock to the system" - I would have requested two days off work to recover.

  9. Run as fast as you can.  Get out now.

  10. is anywhere really safe ?

  11. you have the right to work in a safe enviroment if you feel unsafe in your workplace than maybe it is best to consider finding a job that has better security measures

  12. Do you feel lucky?

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