
The place where i work rents a chevy van that i must drive its a late model 07 or 08. the windshield has crack

by  |  earlier

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I drive this work van that is a rental. I hit a mosquito on the windsheild with the palm of my hand and it cracked. Its a pretty big crack that goes out in various directions. The glass says its laminated but i dont see anything about saftey glass on the label. Is it still safe to drive the van around with the cracked windshield until they get it fixed ? We go at speeds of about 60mph. They want me to use it for work on monday and i want to be sure it is safe to drive this way.




  1. The only safety issue would be is that if the crack is blocking your visibility.  Otherwise as far as glass coming in the vehicle you should be alright unless you hit a bird at a high rate of speed or have an accident with frontal impact.  

    Good luck and I hope this was helpful !  

  2. If your van is a rental then it has full glass coverage, so tell your boss a rock hit it and have them replace it.  If you keep driving it you will get a ticket and in some states it is a moving violation which will cost you more than just a ticket.

  3. Broken/cracked windshield is a safety hazard and will get you a ticket if you are stopped for any reason.  Unsafe and against the law to drive that vehicle.  It would not pass inspection.

  4. This is safety laminated glass.The crack will get larger over time.As far as driving its not a major problem unless it hinders your vison while driving.Best of luck.

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