
The planet don't need saving .we do?

by  |  earlier

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the planet has been here for millions of years.wve only been here a hundred thousand or warming only harm us not the planet.thanks too all of you self indulgent self righteous euro trash that refuse to take blame for killing the sky.everyone thinks the planet is in trouble.the earth can and has survived far worse than anything we could possibly do to aint going any where WE ARE.your children will pay for your arrogance.look around you will see its already started.your false gods and phony religion will not save you.YOU CAME FROM THE PLANET.Thats where you go when you sorry but its true there is no god never has been never will be.




  1. You're not Chuck Norris. Chuck doesn't whine.

  2. There is a God, you are His child and His Son created this world.  

    I know God lives, and has a plan for all of us.

    You dont have to believe but one day you will know.

  3. At least we agree that the Earth will survive; its the humans and other species that face peril.

    As to God.  To believe in God, one has to have faith; proof is not required.  Your opinion that there is no God is either based in faith, in which case, its is on equal footing with mine and neither has chance of convincing the other.  However, if your opinion is based on science evidence, my challenge to you is this; prove God doesn't exist.  The basics of scientific method are clear on this; lack of evidence doesn't prove your theory.  In other words, your science can no more prove he doesn't exist than my faith can prove he does.  The difference is that faith is just fine with that.

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