
The poet behind the poem?

by Guest33764  |  earlier

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It not easy giving birth to a smile, when your hold back tears all the while.

That’s a throw away line.

I’m not one to pretend or play the game.

It’s only a shell I let people see and a name my mother give to me.

Throw away line number two.

My neighbours don’t even know my name.

Though my mind is strong, my will is weak, so about my thought I do not speak.

That’s number three.

My minds a mess and I speak it all the time,

I often spend a little time to writing about deep thoughts of mine.

Ok you know that’s number four.

I’m a day dreamer who writes in rhyme.

It not easy giving birth to a smile, when your hold back tears all the while.

It’s only a shell I let people see and a name my mother give to me.

Though my mind is strong, my will is weak, so about my thought I do not speak

I often spend a little time writing about deep thoughts of mine

I’m not one to pretend or play the game,

My neighbours don’t even know my name,

My minds a mess and I speak it all the time,

I’m a day dreamer who writes in rhyme.




  1. Andrew,

    I have read your poem with its adaptation, and find that it is not easy to accept it as poetry or even prose, but this does not mean that its meaning is at all lost.

    I felt compelled to adapt it to my understanding of how I would have written it, which of course can be rejected at your pleasure.

    It is not easy giving birth to as smile

    When you are holding back tears nearly all of the while.

    I am not one to pretend or play their game,

    It is only a shell they see using a mothers chosen name.

    Though my mind is strong my will is weak,

    so the thoughts I have I keep to myself and do not speak.

    My mind is a mess crowded with words all the time

    which I set to paper, for I am a dreamer who speaks in rhyme.

    My respects to your work, and apologies for my intrusion.


  2. wow! that poem is deep! I like it a lot! it really caught my attention! nice poem!

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