
The point of composting?

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I am considering making a compost and I was wondering the what the point was, because when you throw out garbage it goes to a compost pile anyways.




  1. Garbage in bags will eventually compost, but much slower since it's probably wrapped in plastic and surrounded by other products that don't break down.

    Plus, the idea of composting is to reuse the resulting compost as fertilizer in your own garden. There is little chance that someone is going to sort through all the tires and old refrigerators to find a bit of fertilizer, so the garbage dumps still get filled up.

  2. Well, if you throw our garbage in your trash and it is in a plastic bag, it will not decompose very fast.  even if you just throw it in the trash, at the landfill it will be in with plastic bags and paper bags of trash and other junk that will not decompose for a long time.  It could get covered up and lay there for a long time.  even if it does rot, it will not help the soil in a landfill, because no one will ever use it for any good purpose.  It will be contaminated by all the other trash. If you add your veg. and fruit and non meat scraps to dry leaves and some soil and grass clipping it will make compost to enrich the dirt in your yard and it won't fill up our already full landfills.

  3. well, since you canadias are full of it, your pile will compost nicely, after your long craptacular winters.  even the birds are smart enough to go south when it gets cold,

  4. Composting helps to lessen how much trash you have to take out and it helps out the environment also.

  5. My dad has a compost pile. He recycles our food and stuff and uses that to plant and grow plants and flowers.

  6. the point of composting is so you have the compost material.  It is a great and inexpensive way to return nutrients to the soil - many books around about how to compost.  And actually when you throw away 'compostable' material (fruit/veg parts, coffee grounds, tea bags, lawn clippings etc, it usually goes into a landfill and can take hundreds of years for those nutrients to return to the ecsystem.

  7. hmmmmmm'

    its just better for the earth!!!

  8. When you throw out garbage it doesn't go to a compost pile, it goes to a landfill (the dump). The landfill takes up land, which just grows bigger and bigger, indefinitely. Some cities do have a seperate bin for yard waste, but you can't put food scraps in there.

  9. the point of composting is to use your kitchen and garden waste to feed your garden's soil. When you throw garbage into a landfill it does not compost, it just takes up space and becomes a wasted resource. Landfills are not very aerobic systems so things break down at glacial speed.

  10. The point is to help your garden's soil grow and become more rich.

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