
The point of living if everyone sees the world differently?

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If every person sees the world differently and goes about their daily life in their own mind with their own thoughts, what is the point of it all?

There is no way that a person can go about in their mind the exact same way as another and this is true for everyone. So the point of this be is do we really know anybody? We might become familiar with their personality but how is that significant if you dont know exactly what they are thinking?

What are we thinking? Why even bother with it in the first place since everyone else is thinking something else? It makes life seem completely pointless since things we do are just our thoughts.




  1. That's exactly the point: to find your point in life.  In the most basic of all terms, there are only two things in the universe: you and everything else.  Since the universe is infinite, you are the center of it.

    I think that if everybody thought the same way life would be pointless. Enjoy your life!

  2. It is our uniqueness that makes this world the place it is. Sure there are a lot of bad things, but dont the good outweigh the bad? Just take the time to enjoy your life.  

  3. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations...

    equals infinite possibilty.

  4. You have a point there. But that's what makes us unique, it makes us different from other people. If all of us think of the same thing, then this world would become dull and boring, or less exciting. The point of having different thoughts is like saying that we are unique on our own.

    In terms of the persons personality, there's a saying that " Thoughts are actions in rehearsal". So somehow the persons actions serves their thoughts or what they think. Although we really don't have a clue on what his personality really is, but his actions show some part of his thoughts. So having different thoughts is not pointless at all. It makes us unique and makes life more exciting. Just imagine if we all look at an apple the same way, then our ideas are pointless, we don't need to know what they are thinking , because we are assuming that we have the same thoughts.

  5. There isn't really a point to living at all. You just have to learn to accept that and create your own meaning in life. Even though life is pointless, you can still find great meaning in living. We're already here so we might as well enjoy the time we have.

  6. From a Christian , My life and thoughts were just like yours,  then Jesus came into my life, and my thoughts focus on him.... and it changed  me, I care about people, and pray for them , help them, and when i do I'm the one who get rewarded, and God get the credit, and blesses me even more.... and the more I sought Jesus , the more life became in focus for me, I found myself... I'm by no means perfect, just saved from myself,  and In Jesus I give him all the praise... maybe that's why I'm here testifying to you so you can find him, and in turn find yourself?    

    Seek Jesus First, and you'll Find he was seeking you....

  7. in order to have a civilized society we have to be diverse, somebody builds your house, somebody makes your car, we need doctors,teachers cooks,etc.etc.  

  8. For me, that's one of the reasons that life is worth living.

    If I can talk to 20 different people in 1 day & get 20 different opinions on things, not only do I learn more facts/new ways of doing things, I learn to have tolerance/empathy for others.....It also makes life incredibly interesting... Imagine just how boring it would be if everybody had exactly the same opinions on everything...not only boring, how would we grow emotionally, if we stagnated with the same ideas running around in everyones heads & no new information input.

  9. I don't see what's wrong with people not being able to read other people's thoughts.  It's not as if it's a new development.  People have been clueless as to what other people were thinking since the beginning of humankind.  I certainly don't see how it makes life "pointless".

    Are you proposing that the world would be perfect if everyone was exactly the same, doing and thinking all the exact same things at the exact same time?  I prefer to think of society as a quasi-living thing, with different organs and parts (in other words, different people) that serve different purposes.

  10. i dont understand why people think there is a reason for everything, why does there need to be a reason?

  11. It is the human mind that creates purpose, and nothing more. We try our best and do the things we do, and stay in this world because of our hope. We hope to do better and spread what we think is good--it is the human condition.

    We can't be all exactly alike or understand everything in another person or system. However, we can understand as much as we can and TRY.

    People have similar ideas once and a while. There's probably somebody out there who is asking this exact question. People can also influence your thoughts so that it helps to understand their point of view, though not all of it.

  12. Just because you and I go down the water slide differently does not mean it isn't still fun for both of us. Our experiences have enough commonality that we can usually relate to those around us quite well. In fact most peoples' experiences are so mundane (gravity, clothes, taco bell,) as to be hardly worth describing as unique. When you get to know a person really well, such as a spouse or your child, you know so much about them that you can virtually create their responses from the amount of data you already have.

    We are all just software really, and so people we are intimate with are not actually OTHER, they are just small code sets in our own programming.

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