
The police have ''Tasers'', God help the innocent...?

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Don't know about the rest of you, but recently I was beaten by 8 filth (sorry, filth) for sitting in a police car minding my own business.

I minded my own business and always thought being arrested was a case of innocent untill proven guilty.

But no, some siht of a copper dragged me out of the car for no reason, and with his mates beat me to the ground, sprayed me with CS Gas, and tied me up.

See them in court I hope.

I can only thank the Lord they did not have ''Tasers'' or worse, as I could have died.

They have ''Tasers'' now, and they are still scum.





  1. Did they tie you up .. or hog tie you ? That's all the thoughts I have at the moment.  Good Luck !   :)

  2. Dummy.

    You ALWAYS videotape when cops are involved.

    Remember Rodney King? He got rich off of the LAPD.

  3. I saw on CNN a woman was tazer repeatedly  when she was pulled over by a cop and than I saw the Student @ University of Florida being Tazer for asking a question to John Kerry and I wonder just as the people stood up for Jena 6 should someone stand up for kids that are being Tazer for speaking or asking a question? Are we still  a society that allows free speech? are we going crazy or what?

  4. Maybe you should ask permission first before you go around sitting in police cars?

  5. Tasers are bad, but better than guns.

  6. Serves you right for sitting in their Police car.

    Plus, I thought everyone knew that if the Police have even the vaguest suspicion about you, it means you're 100% guilty.

    (or is that just Portugese police)

  7. Police need to educate themselves on psychology.  The entire concept of fight or flight, leaves police with two natural chemical reactions within the body when they feel threatened.

    Problem is, people feel threatened by the men who swore to 'serve and protect'.

    If cops acted more like andy griffith, citizens would not feel so threatened when confronted with a cop.  If they did not feel threatened, you can eliminate the flight or fight reflex that is NATURAL REACTION in HUMANS...

    Media adds to that fear, filling us with all of the views of police brutality, shows like cops, full of fights and fear.

    Police need to be reminded of their real duty in this country.  They need to be taught what it means to SERVE AND PROTECT.  They need to read the constitution, and become aware of the limits of their power.

    Everyone needs to be active in their local government.  Contact the mayor when police cheif does not perform up to the CITIZENS' STANDARDS...

  8. No one is innocent.

  9. Welcome to the police state I suggest you look into the New World Order you free to do as your told

  10. No smoke without fire luvie .......

    there must have been good reason

  11. oh,,you poor dear...totally innocent are you?..ha!

  12. You must consider purchasing a camcorder and creating an environment for cops that is worse than the paparazi / medi.

    I ordered my camcorder for under 80 from radio shack, but best buy and many order vendors sell them.  Mine operators on SD Chips .20 USD for 2 gigs/ 2 hours of film recording time and sound.  my cam cord will be mounted upside from my roof of the car.

    I suggest we realize technologize is our freind and our first step to ending police brutality/misconduct.  Next I sugest you let your politicians know that we need new laws / legistliation to toughen up on police misconduct.  we need to enlist the services of the FBI and Department of Justice to go undercover and stop this corruptions.  

    Citizens must draw a law in the sign.   This Tasering will not be tolerating.  Bribes will not be tolerated.  Citizens will not be abused by police men that we employe.  They Report to us and we must get them into control  .  We  need attorneys to educate us as to our rights and to help draft better laws to protect us from police.

    Please step up and do your part to end this.

  13. so what where you supposed to have done ,

  14. Kacy H - would that be ihe Constitution that GWB describes as "A Goddam piece of paper"?

  15. What the devil did you do to be beaten by 8 Police Officers?. All sounds a bit far fetched to me. How could you have been sitting in a Police car minding your own business you must have been there for a reason. Perhaps you mistook it for a taxi!.

  16. I suspect you are quiet young, and when you get a little older you will understand that the police are there to protect law abiding citizens.

  17. Something tells me you are leaving out a lot of facts...........

  18. I agree. for every 2 genuine policemen there is 8 PIGS (thats about the correct ratio from my experience). Take a hint from me, dont even try taking them on. They'll win every time!

    Ive never taken a beating from them myself nor am i a criminal (apart from a couple of d and d's) but the attitude they carry around with them is f*cking unbearable and they're best avoided.

    Especially when they're carrying tasers.

    I reckon throughout the next few years there'll be headlines in the papers like "POLICE TAZER SHOCKER" and so on. after the first major incident of taser misuse, the media will start to report more and more, and then maybe something will be done.

    till then my advice is stay safe and be polite if they confront you. Dont even look them in the eye and keep your head down when they pass you by in the street. They'll think you've learned your lesson then.

  19. No big deal...there is also equal population of scums, robbers, bullies, asbos, murderers, kidnappers, terrorists,child molesters and rapists in comparison to police with tasers.

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