
The polution level the World over is distrubing the Climate so they say.?

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This is when a very large amount of countries are yet to be industralised. What will happen once they too are industralised. ?




  1. The key to Global Warming is that it is very much a political battle  not a scientific one.  Politicians are trying to force 3rd world countries into using reusable resources, even stated in the State of the Union Address by GW. The thing is, these countries are not able to afford these technologies, and so they can't have power.  And just so you know, there is no "international consensus", but that's what the media and politicians want you to think so that they will recieve money for supporting the science with the fastest growing funds.

    Please watch the video at:

    If you aren't a biased weirdo you will, because everyone should keep their minds open, even me.

  2. they'll be more pollution or until then Global warming will take place and everyone will drown.

  3. this i true

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