
The p**p olympics?

by  |  earlier

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I have an idea for a game where the stakes are high, the competition is fierce, and the winnings are great. Basically, you and some buddies all put up like $200. Over the course of the month, you and your friends all plot on tricking eachother to consume laxatives. You cannot physically force anyone to take them, and deception/collaborating is encouraged.

10 points for getting someone to take the laxative

20 points if they p**p themself

30 points if they p**p themself at someone elses house

50 points if they p**p themselves in public

100 points if the pooping ruins an important thing (doctors appointment, probation/court ect.)

300 points if they p**p themself while engaged in sexual activity

The one with the most points gets all the money. Good idea for a cut-throat game?




  1. hahahahahahah that is freakin hillarious, i am a 26 year old female and find that game very humorous!   I alwasy found it funny to put laxatives in a few select cookies.  But in this game im sure someone would suspect it..   ah a good idea would be to ground up the laxative and sprinkle it in their coffee or something you know they will drink, wait till the milk gets low an dissolve a tablet in there!  My friend once had a headache an i gave her a laxative "tylenol"  that got me a laugh... not her lol...    I think its a great idea of a game!

  2. Oh dude I win.  I will p**p during sexual activity, even without laxatives.

  3. It would be an awesome game, but you'd have to keep constant surveillance on each other... how else would you know if they **** themselves during s*x?  It needs more stipulations, like staying within a fixed area; otherwise it'd be too easy to cheat.  Because face it: if you stand to win $400+, you're going to lie.  It could definitely be made to work, though.

    I've got some more ideas for it, too.  How about a bonus if they keep eating a the "laxed" food after it's already made them go?  Or have the goals worth more if someone accomplishes the task quickly, like say within the first week.

    But yeah, sweet idea!  I'm totally going to try it with my friends, they'd go for something like this.  It would be more than worth any resultant humiliation.  You get a star :)

  4. You have an anal fixation - and are probably g*y.

  5. it's kinda a gross idea, but rather funny/silly, haha.
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