
The possibility of the world ending,am I........?

by  |  earlier

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...the only person on this planet who'd see it as a massive relief?




  1. I can see where your coming from, with all the wars, destructions, and nonsense in the world today, but arent there so many beautiful things about the world as well? The smell of flowers on a fresh spring day, a clear blue sky with a rainbow after a destructive storm, the wonderful feeling of being with the ones you love... don't these make life, which i understand can be painful at times, worth living? I do. Life is short, don't spend your time worrying about the bad things. Look at the good things, and embrace them. Do things you love and be with people you love. The world is a beautiful place, it's just up to people like you and me to stay positive and maybe change it.

  2. HAPPY DAYS......!!!!!

  3. I know of others,but PLEASE don't set off an atom bomb!

  4. dont be so silly the world aint ending yet we got another 1 million years left b4 we ruin it completely so try and enjoy it and stop moaning

  5. Well, i think i have a good sense of how you feel.  However, the real problem that you are having is with the consciousness level of the species, and the behaviors that follow from it.  They're barely entry level..That's why the planet is inundated by greed, violence and stupidity.

    The main culprits in this sorry situation, actually, if you'll do the research, are the planet's leadership -- by and large all corrupt psychopaths and murderers.. Check out  illuminati  and  NWO.

    Their agendas are to own and control everything and to significantly diminish the "excess" population  --  billions are marked for extermination. Seems delusional? Alas, no.

    Another portion of their agenda, in order to keep the "peasants" under control, is to keep them misinformed, fearful, and weakened through disease and other means.

    All rather sad.  The species was meant to be much more "evolved", but has been kept "down" through many means engineered by the NWO types.

    If we were all that we were intended to be, you would be much more content.  Nevertheless, it is your responsibility to seek out means to keep yourself "uplifted".  Here's a good site with some helpful info

    And here are some sites on the NWO agenda:                     Good luck  !!

  6. yes you are , how sad

  7. I don't believe the world will end, maybe as we know it, and yes that would be a relief. I envision a more peaceful, happy existence

  8. Bring it on

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