
The postal service has to be one of the worse jobs in the world

by  |  earlier

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So we do not have a dress code as a RCA ?? I can go up in there in my jeans t-shirt and hat ?




  1. yes my dad retired from the postal service it was a horror show there, he hated every moment of working there. management is screwy, rules are screwy. everything is screwy there!

  2. don't forget the shoulder holster too, thats snappy!

  3. Actually many people think being a postal worker is a very good job. My father has been one for years and it is good paying my mom hasn't had to work since and they raised 3 kids. Great benefits too.

  4. At least it pays the bills!!!

  5. You havn't seen The Discovery Chanel's Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe?

    Talk about diry filthy jobs!!!!!  Collect the garbage from the buffet bars in Las Vegas, NV sort it then feed the hogs with it.  Turkey Farmer, collect the dead turkeys and the p**p and add to the manure pile for fertilizer.  Make charcoal, so dirty the whole production crew was covered in the stuff.

  6. Worse or not, a job is a job. Some people are more fortunate to have a job where as others worked hard in school to find themselves unemployed once they're out. So I would have to disagree that the postal service is the worse job. It beats being a garbage collector, or homeless person collecting cans because those less fortunate have to do what it takes to survive.

  7. Working for USPS is not a bad job.

    They have a great union, benefits, wage and hours.

  8. Not really. The pay is good.

  9. ok well if you think that is bad try working at home depot or better known as the home shithole.

  10. its better than digging

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