
The potty trainging on jon and kate plus 8?

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Before I say anything, just let state that I think jon and kate do an exceptional job handling 8 kid under the age of ten. But...I notticed that they waited a really long time to potty train the younger ones. The girls were like 3 and a half and they boys are still working on it I think and theyare a few weeks from being four I believe. Isn't this a bit late to be potty training a toddler? Or was is okay with them because they were born so early?




  1. Average for boys is 3 1/2 years old to pottytrain but children don't have to be pottytrained until they hit kindergarten age.  There is no reason to rush a child, when they are ready they will learn.  They have to be able to stay dry for 2 hrs and many little ones have such tiny weak bladders that they can't go that long.  For girls average is around 3 years old but girls usually pottytrain faster than boys.

  2. Back when my children were babies (the youngest is 18) we potty trained our children before they were two. In the late '80's Huggies came out with Pull Ups and threw off the parents and children and made a lot of money in the process.

    I potty trained two of my sisters children because she didn't know how and it was a good time for me to spend with them. They were 2. It can be done but it takes patience. Trust me, if parents didn't have Pull Ups and such their kids would be trained sooner. Jon and Kate had six kids to train so that may be why they waited so long. I love Jon and Kate.

  3. well, my most of my kids were all potty trained at about 2... and it IS a bit late, but i think when you have SO many it must be different... and my littlest one will surely be much later, as his development was delayed. probably the same thing with those babies... if they were born early, they might be running a bit behind too. but like mine, i'm sure they'll hit a spurt soon.

  4. Do you know that the sextuplets were 4 years old in May 2008?   It's July and they haven't yet had the episode where they turned 4 years old.    It takes a few months from actual time until the time it's aired on TV.    

    The girl sextuplets were 2 1/2 years old (January/February 2007) when potty trained and the 3 boy sextuplets potty trained at 3 1/2 years old (October/November 2007).    They were all 4 years old in May 2008.  

    The boys' potty training episode aired in January 2008 but the actual time was a few months earlier.    That how it is with all the episodes.

  5. I know people who have 4 year olds and havent even started to potty train their kids.. I was actually surprised that their kids took to it so early but they say every kid is different

  6. Yeah-my son was right at 4 and my pediatrician said it was very common-especially for boys.

  7. If you have your hands full and you can afford diapers, it is way easier to train late.  It fits the modern lifestyle and is socially acceptable.  However, it isn't natural to delay potty training past about 2 1/2 years old.

    Every year as disposable diapers get better and cheaper, the averages for potty training became later and later.  I wondered for years what the deal was with disposable diapers, but I finally realized that although the diapers do wick away all wetness and train kids to ignore their bodily functions, the main challenge is that they are too convenient.  People aren't motivated to give them up at 12 months old anymore.  Thus a new modern idea has come about that kids just aren't ready to train before age 2.  Until the 1960's when disposable diapers came into being all generations have had their children completely potty trained on average by 2 years of age, many much younger.  In many parts of the world parents don't even use diapers.  Diapers are a luxury and convenience.  

    I've learned a lot, my first kids potty trained a lot older than my last because I let them be the boss about when to train and was afraid to give up diapers for fear of my kids having accidents.  Your kids are normal if you look at the worldwide averages instead of US, Canada, and UK.

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