
The premixed Similac from the hospital, does it need to be refrigerated?

by  |  earlier

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I'm breastfeeding and I have a stock up of powder formula, but I don't want to use it yet. I do, however, have some premixed formula, the liquid stuff, in my cabinet as well. It's already in little hospital grade bottles. Obviously it is not currently being kept refrigerated, but the expiration dates have not expired. Is it OK to use? Or was it supposed to be kept cold? Thanks.




  1. It only needs to be kept refrigerated once it's open.  Those are great to pack in the diaper bag for emergencies.

  2. Noep . But once if you ve opened the can u need to refrigerate it and you must use it within 24 hrs.

  3. Nope.. You dont refrigerate them.  Most places say to throw it away if the baby doesnt finish the entire bottle in one feeding but you can save it in the fridge for I think 24 hours.

  4. No. They stored our little bottles of it underneath the little crib thing my son slept in at the hospital the whole time we were there.

  5. As long as you haven't broken the seal, they don't need to be refrigerated.


  6. nope

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