
The president of my company sent me an email. Will I get fired !!!?

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I've been working as recruiter for this small company for almost 5 months now and just got an email from the President stating that she is not at all immpressed with the video footage she just saw. The thing is I work with 3 other recruiters and our manager works in an office out of state. My work performace is decent... however according to her email she witnessed me drinking on the job, pleasuring myself, and doing some kind of drugs. She claims she was in complete shock when the videos were brought to her attention and because of FMLA laws this is to be kept confidential. I'm so nervous right now and feel so stupid. I'm not denying any of it except the drug part because I did occasionaly drink near the end of the day and a few times I did pleasure myslef. I'm so embarrased and scared right now this has never happen in my career and I can't afford to lose my job. She claimed she would call me about this I feel so embarrased




  1. Yahoo will explain it to you

  2. i would start to look for a new job...

  3. Cameras are got caught, now you need to face the consequences.  I lost my job in '94 because I told my supervisor (who was in a different town) that she was wrong when she called me to bring "something" to my attention.

    I stood up for my staff in the way they handled a situation...she saw it differently.  I'm sure you knew that drinking and lewd behavior was against company policy, drugs or not, she will discuss it with you.  

    You may get a warning depending on your attitude.

    Good Luck

  4. LOL ... Dont do that at work. well to get out of this just beg her for another chance and you wont ever do it again and say, that you cant loose this job and tell her why

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