
The price of gas keeps rising yet more people than ever are driving more than ever. Why?

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The price of gas keeps rising yet more people than ever are driving more than ever. Why?




  1. Also I gotta add this.

    I'm from the UK and petrol or gas prices have been high for a very long time much longer than in the US but anyway. What I don't understand is why in the US people buy such huge cars! I understand if you have a large family and need a large car for them but when i've been in the US i've often seen one person in a huge 4X4 car! Cars that are bigger with bigger engines use more fuel and cost more to fill up with gas. Simple solution... Buy a car that is appropriate to your lifestyle...

  2. Where I live, people are driving less. A LOT less.

  3. People are driving because they have to or have the money to do so. These prices are hurting everyone and you will see a decline of people driving. I don't think anyone is driving more just because the price is so high. I think you will see major problems  in the near future. The lowest income earners are getting hurt the worst and it is quite apparent that our government is doing nothing to slow or stop this. The news media does not probe the reasons why they are to busy covering Obama. While many of us are suffering.

  4. we are running out of oil.

  5. Limit the engine sizes to max 100 HP and 4 cylinder.

  6. According to AAA, people are driving less.

    You bring up an excellent question, however, which is why Americans keep driving - and driving big vehicles, as our UK poster pointed out - as though there is a limitless supply of gasoline.

    There are multiple reasons.  The stronghold the oil industry has on our society.  The lack of funding for mass transit - thanks to pressure from the oil and auto industry.  But first and most important - Americans have a tendency to equate "stuff" with "happiness."  Cars are very important parts of that "stuff."

    Given the fact that we have between 40 and 100 years of oil left (depending on who crunches the numbers), this will change, whether we like it or not.  We don't seem to care much about the world we will be leaving our children and grandchildren.

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