
The pro's and con's of running your vehicle on vegtable oil??

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Do you think it is wrong to run on veg oil and not pay the duty?

Do the environmental benifits outweigh the crime?

Why doesnt the govenment promote green fuels?




  1. Pro: On a hot day you can through a egg into your gas tank and fry it.

  2. Veg oil has to be handled differently from diesel fuel -- it congeals more easily and it may void you car warranty.

    Veg oil aslo costs more than diesel at the moment, even without the fuel taxes which are added to diesel fuel.

    Government does promote green fuels -- look at the billions of dollars [wasted] on ethanol.  As conventional fuel prices rise, alternative fuels become more cost effective and mainstream, so keep praying for higher prices from our friends at OPEC.

  3. hah there shouldnt be any duty us poor folk can't afford the tax

  4. If your are making the vegetable oil fuel Pay yourself the duty, it might mean moving your wallet from one pocket to another one.

    To answer the fish shop smell answer. if the oil is processed correctly it smells no worse than diesel

  5. I followed a car recently that was quite obviously using recycled fish and chip shop oil.  I am not very impressed with the rancid smell that emanates from fish and chip shops that do not change their oil frequently and that was just what that cr smelled like. I think that amounts to a con!

  6. Nothing good can come from using food stuff for fuel if you care about the planet and biosphere. Its all bad and worse because for starters you are taking food away from the poorest and giving fuel only to the rich. Then the worse things need to be factored in.

  7. Vehicles run on used vegetable oil are becoming more common now and it seems to work well. Less pollution. Less expensive and a good way of recycling. To h....l with the government and their taxes. They get enough now and it won't be long before they find a way to tax the oil as a fuel anyway.

  8. Con or Pro, depending on how you look at it:  You drive around smelling like a french fry.

  9. You bring up a good point,

    Vegetable oil is an alternative to diesel fuels in a diesel engine.


    -You can get used vegetable oil  free from restaurants, they will actually be happy to give it to you so they don't have to dispose of it.

    - Its natural so its not toxic and less bad to the environment

    -it doesn't require any modifications to most diesel engines(unless they are the new ultra-low sulfur engines)

    -You can boast about having a bio car and claim you are an environmentalist (this is a half joke)


    - It could be hard to find fuel resources

    -The smell can make you crave fried chicken due to the exhaust

    - it burns ever so slightly less efficiently than regular diesel (about 1.5 mpg less)

    - If you decide to use new vegetable oil it can get pricey

    - rumors say that it may clog ventilation pipes in the engine(keep in mind this is a myth only)

    - you may have to filter the vegetable oil if you decide to use used vegetable oil.

    What duty are you talking about. There is nothing wrong with running on vegetable oil, in fact it is better in almost every way!

    Again. What crime???? it is NOT illegal to run on veggie Oil, where are you getting this info? Yes there are environmental benefits, no toxins, its all-natural

    as you probably know, the government is tied in to the oil business with halburton and all that, but they claim to support green fuels but are not doing such a great job with it. It will be  many years before there is a really easy alternative to gasoline and diesel.

    That's the low-down, on the whole I recommend using vegetable fuel in your diesel if you have the resources.


  10. I think the argument for using bio-fuel is that you don't change the amount of carbon in the ecosystem by using it. They are there as c, co2,metan and other combination anyhow.

    Carbon from the mines and the oil sourses is not in the ecosystem, before you use it on your bike.

  11. dunno, veg oil= green energy so wont  harm the environmant, its cheap and thats all i know sorry..does it run out quicker? i wouldnt knw. sorry.

  12. Since vegetable oil is not taxed as fuel it's not wrong to use it.  The politicians will be sure to tax it eventually and then it will be illegal to use it unless you pay taxes. Take advantage now.

    There is no crime in using vegetable oil as fuel.  It is environmentally neutral, as the CO2 from burning it is taken out of the air by the plants growing to produce more vegetable oil.  There are some minor problems in using it in internal combustion engines [diesels], especially recently built ones.

    Using waste cooking oil harms no ones food supply.  Those who oppose using fuels made from crops, claiming to worry about competing with food crops are hypocrites.  These people really want us to have no energy or to make it so expensive that our civilisation and population will shrink drastically.  Their ideal is a totally vegetarian world, farmed by hand labour, using no animals.  They propose using renewable and alternative energy sources which are insufficient at this time to replace fossil fuels and they campaign strenuously to end the use of fossils fuels and even fire.  They propose extravagantly expensive solar power, but would oppose the huge collectors needed because some desert lizard might be disturbed.  They push hydrogen power, which is impractical, but oppose the huge number of electric generating plants needed to make hydrogen.  Electric power is made by burning fossil fuels, hydroelectric dams or nuclear plants, all of which they oppose.  They oppose wind power because it is unsightly and kills birds.  Tidal power plants would be unsightly and endanger some sea creatures.

    They would have the great majority of the population die or never be born to protect the "Wilderness".  They call themselves "environmentalists", but view themselves as the elite who will become the new population of the Earth.

    The politicians think first of lining their pockets with money, they get money from Big Oil, Big Auto and Big Labour and green fuels would hurt all those groups.  Government gets in the way with its regulations.  Underground and earth-sheltered houses are deemed "basements" not eligible for  loans although safer and very energy-efficient.  Construction has to be "to code" and not better than code. Making your own ethanol for fuel is illegal.  Many areas will not allow the digging needed for geothermal cooling and/or heating.  Solar panels are not allowed on roofs because they don't "fit in the appearance of the community".

    These people are also the ones who oppose the genetic engineering of plants, even if only used to make bio-fuels.  They moan that growing any type of plant for fuel takes away from the food for the poor.  These are the same poor that they want to abort their babies, the poor who are farming and herding and poaching the wilderness into extinction, the wilderness these people want to preserve untouched and unseen by Man. They are the ones who rail against foods tainted by anything, yet oppose irradiation that would eliminate all bacteria and germs from food .  The same ones who demand perfect, unblemished produce, yet want to forbid insecticides and fertilisers.  I can remember when white eggs got better prices than those "dirty" brown eggs, now those same people pay more for brown eggs thinking they are healthier and more natural. They are all just eggs!

    The best alternative is to switch to a type of engine and power system that could use any liquid or gaseous fuel, would be less polluting than internal combustion engines and would be more efficient.  They could be in production in 3 yrs and the autos would look no different than IC powered cars and would have as much interior space as any hybrid.  E-mail  and ask about steam-electric hybrids.

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