
The problem with creationism in schools?

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Ok, so what if creationism and evolution both were taught at schools, but im wondering which creationism? In your small states,cites,towns or whatever im sure its oulined perfectly....

Out here we have several diffrent cultures, all types of denomations, you if were going to teach the whole world in 7 days thing....what about buddhist? muslims? will we touch on each one, or what?




  1. The Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe.

  2. I also agree the other answers, that teaching something about all religions in schools would be a good thing. American seem to know little  about the other major religions of the world, and even most protestants and Catholics  do not understand how they differ.


    The only problem, I would have with teaching creationism in a science class is that teacher  would not be allowed to  subject  it  the scientific method and  test it against know facts, but would be expected to treat it with same deference that we treat  all religion to avoid offending anybody. I can not prove beyond all doubt that evolution is correct, but if I were given an hour a day for a year I think I could convince most people the creationism is not correct.

  3. Creationism is not science, it is religious doctrine and as such it has no place being taught in a public school system no matter the religious sect or version.

  4. I'm a creationist and I am fine with schools teaching various forms of creationism.  I also have no problem with schools teaching evolution.

    The biggest problem with education, throughout time, is that people are taught  that the currently popular theories are facts and contradictory theories are not taught.

    Kids in school are not taught that Democrats sponsored the genocide of Africans and Native American's in the United States and this is a fact, not a theory.

    Back a hundred years ago kids were taught creationism only in schools since it was the popular theory.  Today kids are taught evolution only in schools because it is the most popular theory.

    In reality, education today is just as bad as it was during the middle ages in Europe when Priests were the primary teachers because teachers still teach what is culturally popular.

    Cripes, the majority of people think the evolution of people is a fact.  How much less educated can you be?

  5. I just wanna know where the big bang took place.  

  6. yes kids should be taught about all religions so that they can make an intelligent choice and not be brainwashed with one

  7. How about scientology, eh? or any other cults?

  8. Yours is the argument supporting that creationism should only be taught in a comparative religion course and evolution taught in science.

    I happen to agree with that argument..

  9. The problem is creationism should not be taught in science class, because it is does not meet the scientific method. |t should be taught in a religion class as long as all religions are included including muslims and the lack of religions ,if you are okay with that then fine.

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