
The process by which yeast help in production of dosa idli is called?

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anaerobic process




  1. whattt who cares i dont evan know what that is

  2. fermentation bacterial activity releases carbon dioxide which makes it rise and stay fluffy

  3. fermentation

  4. Idli and Dosa fermentation is caused by "wild yeast" from the air.  Traditionally, yeast is never added to the batter.  The batter consists of urad rice and dal.

    Batter Fermentation:

    Traditionally, Urad and Rice are soaked for a time period. Then these two items are ground together and left to ferment overnight to make batter for various South Indian dishes. In United states, fermentation is becoming a problem. The water is chlorinated, table salt is iodized and both these are not friends of wild yeast. The homes have central air-conditioning many with hypo-allergenic filters, reducing the supply of the "wild yeast".

    Great information:

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